User-centered Intelligent Services for Anything, Anywhere at Anytime

Broadly, MORElab undertakes basic and applied research on the topics of advanced Human-Environment Interaction, Middleware supported by Semantic Web technologies for Wireless Embedded Devices, Applied Artificial Intelligence for User Behaviour Learning and Environment Reaction, Physical World Persuasive Object Instrumentation and Internet Computing: Web 3.0 and beyond, Ubiquitous Web, Linked and Big Data.

Our main research areas are:

  • Context-aware Mobile Computing for Enhanced User-Environment Interaction
  • Semantic Middleware for Embedded Wirelessly-connected Devices
  • Smart Environments of Augmented Internet-connected Persuasive Objects
  • Ambient Assisted Environments (homes, cities): adaptive accessible services aware of user activities
  • Future Internet: Internet of Services, Internet of Things and Semantic Web
  • ICT applied to Societal Challenges: ageing, open government and sustainability

Should you be interested in any kind of collaboration with our research group, please contact:

  Dr. Diego López de Ipiña
  Principal Researcher at MORElab
  dipina [AT] deusto [DOT] es