Title Date File format
Office Hydration Monitoring (OHM) Dataset

2 Oihane Gómez-Carmona, Diego Casado-Mansilla

2022 External link
Dataset of 5,000 tweets from 2016 USA Presidential elections annotated with the CPM coding schema.

2 Aritz Bilbao Jayo, Aitor Almeida

2020 External link
Tweets from members of five different organisations

2 Ruben Sánchez Corcuera, Aitor Almeida

2020 External link
Object bounding box annotations for the GTEA Gaze+ dataset

2 Adrian Núñez-Marcos, Gorka Azkune

2020 External link
City4Age Behaviour Dataset

4 Aitor Almeida, Rubén Mulero, Gorka Azkune, David Buján Carballal

2019 External link
Socio-economic and cultural dataset in relation to Persuasive Strategies to boost Energy Efficiency and in the UK, Spain, Greece and Austria

1 Diego Casado-Mansilla

2019 External link
Energy consumption of 21 capsule-based coffee machines

1 Diego Casado-Mansilla

2019 External link
Word2vec models for the Spanish Language

2 Aitor Almeida, Aritz Bilbao Jayo

2018 External link
Tweets for the campaign period of the 2014 European Parliament election

5 Aitor Almeida, Juan Sixto, Oscar Peña, Braulio Gomez Fuertes, Guillem Martí

2018 External link
Political party and candidate tweets for the campaign period of the 2015 Spanish general election

3 Aitor Almeida, Pablo Orduña, Aritz Bilbao Jayo

2018 External link
Last update: January 17, 2022 - 13:59