Object bounding box annotations for the GTEA Gaze+ dataset


Object bounding box annotations for the GTEA Gaze+ dataset of the works Learning to recognize daily actions using gaze (Fathi et al., 2012) and Delving into Egocentric Actions (Li et al., 2015). The dataset contains folders for each of the subjects, within each of them folders for actions, and, within each action folder, a folder for each video. The video folder has a name composed of __. Within this folder, a json file for some frames can be found. The json contains two keys: filename and objects. filename refers to the path to the image and objects to a dictionary of objects. The keys of the dictionary are the objects present in the image. Each of the objects values is a list containing bounding box coordinates. Each coordinate list is composed of the ymin, xmin, ymax and ymax values.


Adrian Núñez-Marcos, Gorka Azkune. (2020) "Object bounding box annotations for the GTEA Gaze+ dataset." Available from: https://zenodo.org/record/3949796#.XxVJiRGxU5l