Approval of H2020 project WeLive under INSO1 topic

Published on Wednesday, 24 September 2014 - 16:56

DeustoTech-INTERNET was granted the approval of research proposal “WeLive: A neW concept of pubLic administration based on citizen co-created mobile urban services”, under ICT-enabled open government – INSO1 ( topic,  on 23 September 2014. This project financed by the European Commission has a total budget of 2,973,582 € from which 429,594 € will correspond to University of Deusto. The consortium is comprised of Tecnalia Research & Innovation, Spain (as coordinator), Bilbao Council (Spain), EUROHELP Consulting, S.L. (Spain), Fondazione Bruno Kessler (Italy), Engineering Ingeneria Informatica SPA  (Italy, Comune di Trento  (Italy), Laurea Ammattikorkeakoulu Oy  (Finland), Cloud’N’Sci Ltd  (Finland), City of Novi Sad (Serbia), Public Utility Company “Informatika” Novi Sad  (Serbia), Drustvo za Konsalting y Razvoj I Implementaciju Informacionih I Komunikacionih Tehnologija Dunavnet Doo  (Serbia). The project will be developed in the period January 2015 to December 2017. This project is conceived to transform the current approach towards e-government by providing a new open model oriented towards the design, production and deployment of public services based in the collaboration of a quadruple helix, i.e. research organizations, companies, public administrations and citizens. WeLive will provide a novel We-Government ecosystem of tools (Live) built on the Open Data, Open Services and Open Innovation paradigms that is easily deployable in different public administrations and which promotes co-innovation and co-creation of personalized public services through public-private partnership and the empowerment of all the stakeholders to actively take part in the value-chain of a municipality or a territory.
