Goodbye Smartlab!

Published on Wednesday, 19 June 2013 - 15:55

Smartlab first day

After seven years we are leaving what has been our lab, Smartlab. We are moving into more modern premises at the 4th floor of the Faculty of Engineering building with the rest of DeustoTech. Smartlab was created in 2006. Initially dedicated to research on Ambient Intelligence, we then extended our research interests to areas such as Linked Data, Ambient Assisted Living, Semantic Web, Internet of Things, Machine Learning or Social Network Analysis. Its creation was possible thanks to the sponsorship of the Biscay Province Government, through the Bizkaia: Xede program.


We are now working in the new DeustoTech installations on the 4th floor of the Engineering building. All the DeustoTech research units are now located in these facilities. They also host several new labs: Electronics, Chemistry, Prototyping, Living Lab… We hope that these new installations will help us to keep growing and improving as a research group, giving place to better contributions and prototypes.

MORElab members at four floor