HOPU's Smart POI solution installed in MORElab premises

Published on Monday, 26 February 2018 - 10:15

Smart POI solution is composed by an IoT device called Smart Spot that offers a disruptive approach to transform relevant Points of Interest in a city such as historical places, open air museums, etc. into Points of Interaction (POIs); making them more liveable and intelligent. For this purpose, Smart POI offers a context-driven solutions that engage with visitors offering accessible and agile experiences via a proximity-based interaction with technologies such as Physical web / iBeacon which are being adopted and widely available in our smart phone; thereby Smart POI enables a direct interaction between the Points of Interest (i.e. infrastructure) with smart phones (i.e. people) without requiring any native Application or complex interaction. At the same time, Smart Spot device collects quantitative and qualitative data to build the metrics that allow to monitor the impact from tourism in terms of noise pollution, air quality (NO2, SO2, O3, CO, H2S), ambient impact (temperature, humidity and lighting) and safety via crowd-monitoring (counting people in an area via WiFi). These metrics provide the knowledge baseline and awareness to develop strategic plans towards more sustainable, respectful and integrated tourism; including transversal actions in mobility, urbanism, entertainment, public health / wellness and safety.

One instance of this solution has been installed and deployed in a building close to the research laboratory. The group will use all the sensor data gathered by the POI to internal projects such as GreenSoul. We hope that this collaboration between HOPU and MORElab will provide fruitful results in research and innovation.