Ikerbasque PostDoc Position: Data Scientist on Heterogeneous Data Management and Analytics

Published on Wednesday, 06 February 2019 - 13:28

The MORElab research group is pleased to support postdoctoral candidates eager to apply to the Ikerbasque Research Fellow Call . This call is run by Ikerbasque, the Basque Foundation forScience, and co-financed by the Basque Government, the European Commission and the host institution where the researcher would develop his/her research.

MORElab has recently obtained recognition as recognized research group within the Basque university system. We are looking for PostDoc applications to complete our research skills in heterogeneous data management and analytics.. The group is currently embarked in several European H2020 projects which involve knowledge and expertise in the following knowledge modelling and exploitation sub-fields.

The candidates are expected to have knowledge in one of the following fields:

  • Big Data management and analytics.
  • Natural language processing applied both to regular texts and social networks.
  • Machine Learning methods applied to sensor data, text and images.

Additional knowledge in the following fields will be considered for accessing to the open position:

  • Big Data processing infrastructures and stacks
  • Visualization techniques
  • Linked Data
  • ICT infrastructure to foster Open Government
  • Co-creation and Open Innovation approaches
  • Semantic Web, IoT and Web of Data
  • Open Services and micro services
  • User engagement and user experience

We are looking for candidates willing to join our team and help us consolidating our increasing expertise in the application of solutions around the extensive usage of data. This research group focuses on the “V” of variety within Big Data solutions. We are very interested on bringing together structured and non-structured data from heterogeneous sources, namely personal sensing devices, IoT sensor networks, Open Government Data, user-generated data through apps or social networks and even private data. The group faces the challenge of how to make sense out of data, progressing from data into knowledge. A core area that wants to be tackled is how to interpret human generated data and how to portray information to people in a more understandable manner. We want to progress on data understandability both by/for machines and people.

Requirements that must be fulfilled by candidates are:

  • PhD completed between 1 st January 2008 and 31 st December 2016, in an area related to Big Data, NLP or Machine Learning
  • Proven track record of expertise in the area by a good range of impact publications and open source contributions
  • Experience in the execution of past projects and in the preparation of proposals, particularly European, will be valued.

The candidate will integrate into the project team of one of our active European projects. The candidate will actively participate in the preparation and execution of European and Industrial proposals and projects. His/her integration into MORElab team will be an opportunity to develop as an applied research scientist in close contact with excellence research in the European domain and the Basque industrial sector.

The gross annual salary of the Ikerbasque Fellowship is 36,000 € + additional 10,000 € start-up
funding. There is up to a 4,000€ moving allowance for researchers coming from outside the
Basque Country.

Candidates for this position should submit their CVs and a letter of interest explaining why they suit the requested need to dipina@deusto.es no later than Friday, 8 th March, 2019.