labman presentation in LD4KD

Published on Monday, 22 September 2014 - 11:51

On September 19, 2014 the 1st LD4KD (Linked Data for Knowledge Discovery) workshop was held within the ECML/PKDD 2014 Conference in Nancy, France, in an effort to bring both Linked Data and Knowledge Discovery communities together and discuss innovative ways of taking the advantages of both areas to common causes.

The work done in labman was presented through an article which explained how Linked Open Data visualization can be used as a way to get new insights about the performance of a Research Unit, detecting topic patterns which help in designing future strategies for the group.

Other visualizations in labman display the relationship among researchers while publishing and working on projects, rendering collaboration graphs where SNA techniques are used to identify similar communities and link strengths among people.

The discussion held after the workshop addressed different paths both communities can walk together in order to get Linked Data the interest from other communities it deserves.