Markel Iglesias-Urkia defends his PhD

Published on Sunday, 28 June 2020 - 18:41

On June 26th, 2020, Markel Iglesias Urkia has been honored with the PhD recognition, with Cum Laude, International and Industrial mentions. His dissertation, entitled "Boosting the adoption of Industry 4.0 through Internet of Things, industrial standards and software engineering" was advised by Dr. Aitor Urbieta from Ikerlan and Dr. Diego Casado-Mansilla from MORElab.

The VIVA panel was formed by:

  • Dr. Romina Spalazzese (President, Malmö universitet)
  • Dr. Konrad Diwold (Pro2Future)
  • Dr. Iñaki Vazquez (Universidad de Deusto)
