MORElab hosts the IES Cities Project Fourth Quarter Meeting (4QM) & First Project Review Meeting

Published on Monday, 12 May 2014 - 09:34

From 6 to 8 May 2014, the IES Cities project’s Fourth Quarter Meeting (4QM) & First Project Review Meeting was held at the premises of the Faculty of Engineering in the University of Deusto, Billbao. Such meeting has been key to present the first release of IES Cities integrated platform and RESTful back-end and 8 new urban apps, two apps belonging to each of the 4 participating councils in the consortium, namely, Bristol, Zaragoza, Rovereto and Majadahonda. An additional app, namely IES Cities Player, developed by MORElab research group belonging to DeustoTech-INTERNET unit within DeustoTech-Deusto Institute of Technology, was also presented. Such application acts as a broker and catalyst of the urban services enabled by the IES Cities platform allowing end-users (citizens) to find, download and execute those services.

On 8 May 2014, the project was presented to the European Commission, being the outcome very positive. The IES Cities Consortium, composed by TECNALIA, Universidad de Deusto, Zaragoza, TOSHIBA, KWMC, Bristol Council, FBK, Rovereto, Majadahonda, Geko, EuroHelp, AMIS and ZIB, will keep working hard to make sure that the project keeps progressing strongly according the work plan. Next month, i.e. June 2014, the first phase of the developed services’ pilot in the 4 mentioned European cities will start.
