MORElab participated in Zientzia azoka and Ecodesign panel

Published on Sunday, 19 May 2019 - 09:55

During the month of May 2019, MORElab members of GreenSoul H2020 project participated in two relevant outreach events in Bilbao. On the one side, we showcased in "Zientzia azoka" some of the interactive gadgets we have created to promote energy awareness at workplace. For this purpose, we brought conversational agents and we discussed with visitors the impact that these smart objects as assistive technology.

On the other side, we were invited to give a talk in a panel related to circular economy and eco-design in the context of Forotech (Univ. of Deusto). In this talk, we explained the ideation, design and development of the Interactive Coaster, an smart object devised to increase motivation of employees to engage with energy consumption at workplace.