MORElab Principal Researcher offers University of Deusto’s Course Opening Lecture

Published on Monday, 14 September 2015 - 17:04

Dr. Diego López-de-Ipiña gave the Academic Year Opening Lecture in session held at the University of Deusto campus in San Sebastián/Donostia on 14th September 2015. The talk explained how ICT can alleviate and address the problems associated to population urbanization and ageing. Particularly, it discussed how social urbanization can be tackled by giving place to Smarter Cities, i.e. those that are not only more resource efficient but also address the actual needs and demands of population. The fields of Broad Data, Social Innovation and Open Government were identified as key pillars to solve the socioeconomic problems associated to urbanization. Besides, the need to include older citizens as main characters of the Smart City domain was emphasized. Likewise, the concepts of Active Assisted Living (AAL) and Silver Economy were explored as means to progress towards Ambient Assisted cities.

Download PDF versions in Spanish ( and Basque ( of this opening lecture.