MSCA-IF-2019 Call for Expressions of Interest Deusto Foundation/DeustoTech - Towards Smarter Environments bringing together Human and Machine Intelligence

Published on Tuesday, 11 June 2019 - 14:47

In line with DEUSTO strategy to promote excellence, DeustoTech is inviting Expressions of Interest from excellent international postdoctoral researchers who are interested in applying for a Marie Skłodowska-Curie (MSCA) Individual Fellowships (IFs) around the topic Towards Smarter Environments bringing together Human and Machine Intelligence.


Diego López-de-Ipiña

Diego Casado Mansilla


DeustoTech [1] is a private non-profit institution of the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Deusto for applied research in new technologies. Since 2005 DeustoTech mission is to support the ICT activity in business and society through research, the development of technologies, innovation and knowledge transfer. We focus our activity around TRLs 2-7 and articulate it into four applied fields: Industry, Mobility, Energy and Environment and Societal Challenges, having a fifth, the Chair of Applied Mathematics, as a transversal activity and support for the previous four. We are characterized for working with data of heterogeneous nature, throughout its life cycle and in compliance with ethical principles and humanists who define the University of Deusto. In this project the Societal Challenges [2] groups is involved through the DEUSTEK Basque University System. Societal Challenges research unit has a strong background in humanizing, i.e. giving place to human-centric and human-driven, application of Data Science, IoT and Human Interaction technologies. That includes, sustainable awareness rising through IoT, empowering the citizen towards participating in the city daily decisions and governance, or engaging employees towards promoting healthy or sustainable habits in the workplace avoiding attrition of campaigns. [1] [2]


The candidate would be integrated in a highly multidisciplinary research group. As such it is of utter importance the communication skills and their ability to understand the different perspectives that the research topic has. Moreover, experience in one or more of the following fields in needed: • Crowdsourcing techniques - user-generated data verification and processing • Cognitive technologies to transform unstructured data into structured information • Recommender systems and conversational agents • Gamification and persuasion for designing behaviour change interventions • Knowledge modelling and exploitation • Transparent and Interpretable AI


This position will explore the potential of smart solutions and environments grounded on the extensive usage of data and analytics through the collaboration of machines and humans. It faces the challenge of how to make sense out of data, progressing from data into knowledge, through the collaboration of people & machines. A Data Scientist is sought with expertise on Hybrid Intelligence (HI), which is an approach for combining human and machine intelligence for decision making and data interpretation. HI benefits from the human ability to express and deal with complexities and the automation, availability and accuracy that machines provide. The interception of the following areas to give place to Smart Environments will be explored: • Machine Learning: ML methods can be used for activity recognition performed to detect what a user is doing, e.g. walking or resting. ML can also be used to correlate user actions into activities that configure behaviours. • Human Computation: is about involving citizens to annotate the world or correct/validate inferences performed by machines, gamification can be used to improve and validate the results driven by machines. • Knowledge modelling & exploitation: human and machine-driven knowledge can be effectively merged and represented in a Knowledge Graph (KG), combining data gathered from machine learning and human contributions. KGs are exploited to infer new knowledge or build recommenders through transparent and interpretable algorithms