Open Data Hack Day - Bilbao 2014

Published on Tuesday, 25 February 2014 - 09:24

On February 21, MORElab organised the third edition of the Open Data Day in Bilbao, at Deusto's University.

The event began with three welcoming talks:

The hackathon started with the presentation of the initiatives described at our wiki, to join people on different working groups:
  • Visualization and publication as Linked Open Data of the Spanish Government's doctoral thesis dissertations database teseo.
  • Interactive maps showing historical events.
  • Linked Data tutorial based on Open Data Euskadi.
  • Basque chapter of DBpedia template mapping
  • Visualization and homogeneization of Deusto's Social Barometer data.
The results of the hackathon are reviewed in the event's webpage, and the code is available on GitHub.
We hope to repeat the great experience next year.