Placements of MORElab staff at Universiteit Gent and TU Delft

Published on Monday, 15 July 2013 - 12:38

From mid-June until the end of July the PhD candidate Mikel Emaldi is in a placement at the Multimedia Lab of Gent University. During this placement his work is being supervised by Dr. Erik Mannens. He is trying to make progress in the area of Linked Data Graph mining and recommendation. The Multimedia Lab carries out work, among other things, in the area of "Knowledge representation and reasoning": intelligent agents and semantic web services, automatic data enrichment with provenance, linked open data publishing and integration, big (linked) data analytics & visualization, collective social intelligence with trust estimation and read-write web.

Dr. Diego López-de-Ipiña, principal researcher of DeustoTech-INTERNET, is in a placement at TU Delft during July, within the Web Information Systems group in the Software Technology Department. This group, lead by Geert-Jan Houben, bases it research on the engineering and science of the web, specifically on the engineering of web-based information systems with semantics-based user-adaptation.


Diego's Delf ID Mikel's Delf ID