Smarter Cities talk in UCLM, Ciudad Real

Published on Wednesday, 04 November 2015 - 16:20

Dr.Diego López-de-Ipiña from UDEUSTO participated on 4 November 2015 at Work session on Advanced Interaction and Smart Cities (, organized at @esiuclm with talk about how ‪#‎iot + ‪#‎webofdata + ‪#‎citizenparticipation = ‪#‎smartercities mentioning @weliveproject and @IESCities projects.

Slides available at: In this work session the IES Cities and WeLive projects presented as a good exemplary cases on how the combination of Open Data and User-generated Data can give place to innovative public services and apps that facilitate the interactions of different city stakeholders, e.g. citizens, companies and the public administration itself, with a given city and its administration.