Special Collection on the Future of Data Analysis in Smart Cities (IF: 0.906)

Published on Monday, 24 April 2017 - 09:30


To have your paper included, submit by November 2, 2017

Click here to submit your article

Smart Cities are shifting the focus on intelligent environments from self-contained smart homes to a city-wide holistic approach, where the whole city is a sensorized and computationally capable smart environment. This change of focus provides new research opportunities and challenges. City-wide data analysis systems should combine not only the users home sensor data, but also data recovered from municipal sensors and other relevant public datasets. Moreover, the dataspace of the Smart Cities is not only limited to physical sensors, but also to citizens’ online activity, how they interact in social networks and how this information can be exploited to provide better services. The cities of the future should provide a holistic approach to the problems of their citizens using all of the heterogeneous Big Data collected. Ensuring the privacy of the users’ data is also an important topic which needs specific attention in this upcoming field. The purpose of this special collection is to collect innovative and high-quality research contributions regarding both the data analysis applied to Smart Cities and the management of large quantities of city wide data. This special collection also aims to explore already deployed applications and case studies.

Specifically, we seek original contributions on the following topics:

  • Theoretical foundations of Smart Cities
  • Information fusion and data collection frameworks for heterogeneous data in Smart Cities
  • Sensor networks for diffused data sensing in Smart Cities
  • Pattern learning, activity recognition and behavior assessment
  • Applications of machine learning (e.g. unsupervised approaches, deep learning, neural networks...) and exploratory data analysis (e.g. statistical analysis, multivariate/univariate methods...) techniques to Smart Cities
  • Context and data management in city-wide infrastructure, Big Data approaches to heterogeneous information
  • Exploitation of citizens' activity in social networks as an online representation of the cities
  • User acceptance of Smart Cities technologies
  • Privacy, Security and Ethics aspects of large data management in Smart Cities
  • Case studies and applications of data analysis in Smart Cities

Keywords: Smart Cities, activity recognition, behavior modeling, pattern learning, information fusion, data management

The submitted manuscripts for this special collection will be peer-reviewed before publication.

Please submit your paper according to the following timetable for the special collection:

Manuscript Deadline

November 2, 2017

First Round of Reviews

February 2018

First Papers Published

May 2018

Lead Guest Editor

Aitor Almeida, DeustoTech – Fundación Deusto, Spain


Dr. Aitor Almeida is a researcher and project manager at the MORELab Research Group, DeustoTech-INTERNET Research Unit belonging to DeustoTech - Deusto Institute of Technology. He received a Bsc in Computer Engineering at the University of Deusto in 2004, an MSc in Software Development at the University of Deusto in 2005, and a PhD in Computer Science at the University of Deusto in 2013. During his PhD he researched the inclusion of vagueness and uncertainty in semantic context management and the distribution of the reasoning process in pervasive environments. He has taken part in several national and European projects, both as a researcher and as a team leader. His research interests include social network analysis, data mining, machine learning, pervasive computing, context-aware computing and the semantic web.

Guest Editors

Gorka Azkune, University of Deusto, Spain


Dr. Gorka Azkune is a researcher and lecturer in the University of Deusto, working at the MORElab Research Group at DeustoTech - Deusto Institute of Technology. He finished his studies in Computer Sciences in 2006 at the University of the Basque Country. He developed his Final Degree Project in the Max Planck Institut für Quantenoptik in the area of quantum voting protocols. In 2010, he obtained a MsC in Computer Science at the University of the Basque Country. He achieved his PhD in 2015 with a dissertation entitled "Learning for Dynamic and Personalised Knowledge-Based Activity Models" at the University of Deusto. His current research interests lie on human-centred intelligent systems and artificial intelligence. From 2006 to 2013, Gorka worked as a researcher in Tecnalia , working on national and international projects, such as Iward , Autorecon and Across . His main research areas were mobile robotics, artificial intelligence and artificial vision. He has several publications in peer-reviewed conferences and journals and he has participated in research summer schools such as ROS Fall School on cognition-enabled mobile manipulation and IFR research lectures.

Somaya Ben Allouch, Saxion University, The Netherlands


Somaya Ben Allouch, PhD is a senior researcher. She has lead the Technology, Health and Care research group at Saxion University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands since 2014. Her research interests are in the areas of adoption and acceptance of pervasive technologies and social robotics. She obtained her PhD in 2008 from the University of Twente where she was an assistant professor until 2014. During her PhD research she investigated the adoption and acceptance of pervasive technologies. Dr Ben Allouch was a visiting researcher at the Ambient Intelligence Research Lab of Stanford University in 2011 and 2012. Since 2013, she has been part of the editorial board of the Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments. She has been and is currently involved in both European as national funded research projects with regard to the adoption and acceptance of pervasive technologies.

Bessam Abdulrazak, University of Sherbrooke, Canada


Dr. Abdulrazak is professor at the University of Sherbrooke (Québec - Canada), director of the research center on smart habitats, and active researcher at the Research center on Aging and the Interdisciplinary Institute for Technological Innovation. He received a PhD of computer science from Telecom SudParis (France), a MSc in Robotics from UPMC - Paris VI (France), and a BSc engineering in Electronics from USTHB (Algeria). His research interests include Human-Computer Interaction, Context-Awareness, Ambient Intelligence, Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing, Smart City, Gerontechnology and Assistive Technology. He has published more than 150 academic articles, and served on numerous conference/ journal committees related to his research interests.