The 7th meeting of H2020 GreenSoul project in Bilbao

Published on Wednesday, 17 January 2018 - 15:48

Last 15th and 16th of January the University of Deusto held the 7th plenary meeting of the H2020 GreenSoul project. The meeting was conceived to anchor the final pilot plan from a research perspective. Thus, we decided to create a randomized block design within each pilot where different blocks (sub-set of employees) will be subjected to different experimental treatment related to GreenSoul-ed Things, persuasion principles and automation through the DSS.

The meeting was a success and all the partners agreed on the new pilot plan. The next challenge for the project will be to put in practice the research plan and to have the best of the results expected from the project. The next plenary meeting will be in Seville where we will evaluate the current status of the deployment to be carried out.