The University of Deusto participated in the F2F Meeting between Pilot sites and Tech partners in the context of the H2020 AURORAL Project

Published on Tuesday, 21 June 2022 - 17:09

The MORElab member Oihane Gómez-Carmona, as part of the H2020 AURORAL project Deusto team, participated in the “F2F Meeting between Pilot sites and Tech partners” organised on the 9th of June in Vienna (Austria) and online. This meeting was born as an initiative to communicate the significance and value of both Middleware and cross-cutting applications provided by the AURORAL solution.

This event gathered together technical partners and pilots to discuss the scope of the crosscutting services provided in the context of AURORAL and reached initial agreements regarding functionalities and additional needs to be managed by the services. Besides, each technical Work Package (WP) presented the state of the art of their activities in the context of the pilot involvement for the clarification of efforts as well as the intended outputs for the following phases of the project.

In this respect, being the University of Deusto leader of WP3 at the AURORAL project, Oihane has actively participated in the different sessions allocated during the meeting. She has shared the progress of WP3 enabling the pilot sites to talk about, prepare and agree on the primary inputs needed to finish the WP and deliverables for the balance of the project.