16 awards

Title Year Organization
Remote Controlled Lab - Runner-up - The GOLC Online Laboratory Award 2019
Aitor Villar-Martinez, Ignacio Angulo, Javier García-Zubia, Luis Rodriguez-Gil, Pablo Orduña, Unai Hernández-Jayo
2019 Global Online Laboratory Consortium
Deusto Research Social Impact Label
Aitor Almeida, David Buján Carballal, Gorka Azkune, Rubén Mulero
Best Early Career Research Award
Ane Irizar-Arrieta
Call to innovation / Global Impact Competition 2016
Pablo Orduña
2016 Fundación Rafael del Pino
Special Recognition Award for excellence in research teams, UD-Grupo Santander
Aitor Almeida, Aitor Gómez Goiri, Ana Belén Lago, Diego López-de-Ipiña, Iñaki Vázquez, Javier García-Zubia, Mariluz Guenaga, Pablo Orduña, Unai Aguilera
2015 Grupo Santander
Ignacio Ellacuria Best PhD Award 2014
Pablo Orduña
Best PhD thesis award; Spanish Chapter of IEEE EdSoc 2013
Pablo Orduña
2014 Spanish Chapter of the IEEE Education Society
Best End-term project award; Spanish Chapter of the IEEE Education Society 2013
Luis Rodriguez-Gil
2014 Spanish Chapter of the IEEE Education Society
Cloud Bilbao Cimubisa-Deusto Award
Aritz Bilbao Jayo
MIT TR35 Spain 2012
Pablo Orduña
2012 Massachussets Institute of Technology