Oct. 2021
Álvaro es graduado en Ingeniería Informática por la Universidad de Deusto y actualmente está terminando el máster en la misma disciplina y universidad. Durante su estancia en el grado trabajó como becario en el laboratorio de electrónica digital de la universidad y posteriormente en la Cátedra Deusto en Industria Digital donde se formó en IA/Machine Learning y finalizó su TFG en esa materia.
- Egonetwork
- Shows the graph relationship between Álvaro Huerga and his co-authors.
- Number of publications
- Timeline with the number of publications (by type and total amount) authored by Álvaro Huerga through the years.
- Author place
- Distribution of publications by author place, classified by publication type authored by Álvaro Huerga.
- Tag cloud
- Weighed list of the topics used in the publications authored by Álvaro Huerga, visually represented as a cloud.
- Similar people
- Performs an analysis based on the topics used by Álvaro Huerga, looking for similar people having published in those topics. The greatest the overlap, the strongest the similarity between them.