RDF description Jorge el Busto

Research Intern

Sep. 2020  -  Jul. 2020


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Last year student of Computer Engineering + TDE in Deusto. I love programming, and Java and Python are my favorite languages. I am also passionate about Formula 1 and I have been working for a magazine, MomentoGP for three years, with experience in circuits such as Spa-Francorchamps or Montmeló.

I have always been curious about how the automotive industry, and cars in general, will develop in the future, achieving more benefits, combining them with a more sustainable world and lower consumption. I was a YouTuber for a long time and reached 2,700 subscribers, also coordinating a channel of more than 50,000


Shows the graph relationship between Jorge el Busto and his co-authors.

Number of publications
Timeline with the number of publications (by type and total amount) authored by Jorge el Busto through the years.

Author place
Distribution of publications by author place, classified by publication type authored by Jorge el Busto.

Tag cloud
Weighed list of the topics used in the publications authored by Jorge el Busto, visually represented as a cloud.

Similar people
Performs an analysis based on the topics used by Jorge el Busto, looking for similar people having published in those topics. The greatest the overlap, the strongest the similarity between them.

Displays the projects in which Jorge el Busto has been involved through the years.

Tag cloud
Weighed list of the topics used in the projects Jorge el Busto has worked in, visually represented as a cloud.

Displays in a visual way the different positions Jorge el Busto has held.