RDF description Julen Badiola

Research Assistant

?  -  Present

Julen Badiola has a degree in Computer Engineering + Digital Transformation of the Company from the University of Deusto, in which he obtained the award for the best end-of-degree project of the year 2020/21. Currently, he is a student of the Master in DevOps (software development and operations) taught by UNIR. He has been developing his research work in the DeustoTech department since 2019, having participated in some projects related to the development of software and video games. He is currently developing web-oriented software for the Interlink project, with the aim of developing a new collaborative governance model that promotes the reuse and exchange of existing public services taking advantage of the partnership between citizens, private actors and public administrations.


Shows the graph relationship between Julen Badiola and his co-authors.

Number of publications
Timeline with the number of publications (by type and total amount) authored by Julen Badiola through the years.

Author place
Distribution of publications by author place, classified by publication type authored by Julen Badiola.

Tag cloud
Weighed list of the topics used in the publications authored by Julen Badiola, visually represented as a cloud.

Similar people
Performs an analysis based on the topics used by Julen Badiola, looking for similar people having published in those topics. The greatest the overlap, the strongest the similarity between them.

Displays the projects in which Julen Badiola has been involved through the years.

Tag cloud
Weighed list of the topics used in the projects Julen Badiola has worked in, visually represented as a cloud.

Displays in a visual way the different positions Julen Badiola has held.