RDF description Koldo Zabaleta

Research Technician

Mar. 2017  -  Jul. 2020

1 jcr indexed journal article Toggle collapse
Title Year
Designing a Human Computation Framework to Enhance Citizen-Government Interaction
Koldo Zabaleta, Unai Lopez Novoa, Iván Pretel, Diego López-de-Ipiña, Vincenzo Cartelli.
   Journal of Universal Computer Science   (IF: 1.079)
2019  ≈ 2.6 MB

6 conference papers Toggle collapse

2 journal articles Toggle collapse

2 book sections Toggle collapse
Title Year
Easing Communication Means Selection Using Context Information and Semantic Technologies
Koldo Zabaleta, Pablo Curiel, Ana Belén Lago.
   Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence. Context-Awareness and Context-Driven Interaction
2013  ≈ 155.6 KB
Mobile NFC vs Touchscreen Based Interaction: Architecture Proposal and Evaluation
Pablo Curiel, Koldo Zabaleta, Ana Belén Lago.
   Ambient Assisted Living and Active Aging
2013  ≈ 145.9 KB