RDF description Adrian Núñez-Marcos


Sep. 2016  -  Dec. 2020


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My name is Adrián Núñez, I am a PhD Student at the MORElab Research Group at DeustoTech - Deusto Institute of Technology and a Basque Government grant holder, working with Dr. Gorka Azkune and Dr. Ignacio Arganda. My research centers around the application of Deep Learning and Computer Vision techniques to the field of Human Activity Recognition. Currently, I am the representative of the PhD Students of the Faculty of Engineering.

I received my BSc in Computer Engineering in 2015 and my MSc in Computer Sciences and Intelligent Systems in 2016 from the University of the Basque Country.

Previously, I enrolled the Erasmus+ program in Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg for 6 months from March 2015 to August 2015 where I attended subjects like Statistical Pattern Recognition and Introduction to Mobile Robotics. Moreover, I did an internship in Dinycon Sistemas of 8 months from October 2015 to June 2016 where I worked in my Master Thesis.

Finally, check my personal website and my other research accounts: Google Scholar, ResearchGate and ORCID.


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Number of publications
Timeline with the number of publications (by type and total amount) authored by Adrian Núñez-Marcos through the years.

Author place
Distribution of publications by author place, classified by publication type authored by Adrian Núñez-Marcos.

Tag cloud
Weighed list of the topics used in the publications authored by Adrian Núñez-Marcos, visually represented as a cloud.

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Displays the projects in which Adrian Núñez-Marcos has been involved through the years.

Tag cloud
Weighed list of the topics used in the projects Adrian Núñez-Marcos has worked in, visually represented as a cloud.

Displays in a visual way the different positions Adrian Núñez-Marcos has held.