[u" @inproceedings{muguira_rfidglove:_2009, title = {{RFIDGlove}: {A} {Wearable} {RFID} {Reader}}, shorttitle = {{RFIDGlove}}, doi = {10.1109/ICEBE.2009.75}, abstract = {There are different experiences in the use of RFID technology for warehouse inventories. However, there is future work to do on the design of advanced reading devices, applying wearable computation techniques and wireless communications. The aim of this work is to allow a natural interaction for the user who performs inventory tasks. In this paper we show the RFIDGlove system, which consists of a glove with an integrated RFID reader, an organic micro display and a communication system. The RFIDGlove system increases the efficiency of the activities in these areas, improving the user's experience and comfort while he/she uses the system.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of {IEEE} {International} {Conference} on e-{Business} {Engineering}, 2009. {ICEBE} '09}, author = {Muguira, Leire and Vazquez, Juan Ignacio and Arruti, Asier and Ruiz-de-Garibay, Jonathan and Mendia, Izaskun and Renteria, Silvia}, year = {2009}, keywords = {glove, natural interaction, rfid, rfidglove, wearable computers, zigbee}, pages = {475--480} }"] [u' @inproceedings{muguira_rfidglove:_2008, address = {Cuenca}, title = {{RFIDGlove}: un dispositivo vestible avanzado para la interacci\xf3n natural en actividades de inventariado}, abstract = {Mientras existen muchas experiencias en el uso de la tecnolog\xeda RFID para el inventariado en almacenes, existen a\xfan vertientes con un largo camino por recorrer en los aspectos relativos al dise\xf1o de dispositivos lectores avanzados, aplicando t\xe9cnicas de computaci\xf3n vestible y comunicaciones inal\xe1mbricas, que permitan una interacci\xf3n natural al usuario que deba efectuar dichas tareas de inventariado En este art\xedculo presentamos el sistema RFIDGlove, compuesto por un guante con un lector RFID integrado, una micro-pantalla org\xe1nica y un sistema de comunicaciones ZigBee con alta eficiencia energ\xe9tica, que permitir\xeda aumentar la eficiencia de las actividades en dichos entornos, mejorando al mismo tiempo la experiencia del usuario y su comodidad mientras usa el sistema.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of {II} {Jornadas} {Cient\xedficas} sobre {RFID}}, author = {Muguira, Leire and Arruti, Asier and Ruiz-de-Garibay, Jonathan and Vazquez, Juan Ignacio}, year = {2008}, keywords = {glove, natural interaction, rfid, rfidglove, wearable computers, zigbee} }']