RDF description Dr. Daniel Silva Palacios

Research Associate

?  -  Present
d.silva [at] deusto.es

Dr. Daniel Silva Palacios, obtained the title of Information Systems Engineer from the Salesiana Polytechnic University (2008), in 2014 he obtained the title of Master in Management Information Systems, in 2015 he obtained a Master in Engineering and Technologies of Software Systems from the Polytechnic University of Valencia where he also obtained the title of Doctor of Computer Science (2021). His professional career began working in various companies dedicated to the production of software, then he entered the information technology department of the University of Cuenca-Ecuador where he developed several computer systems related to single authentication mechanisms, application for consulting academic data for students, management of postgraduate programs, and management of entrepreneurships. He has worked as a consultant for the development of a strategic plan for the University of Otavalo to carry out an integral evaluation and improvement of its operational processes. During his career as a researcher, he has published several scientific articles focused on artificial intelligence algorithms applied to a hierarchical classification in non-hierarchical domains.