RDF description Ibai Guillén Pacho

Research intern

Oct. 2019  -  Jul. 2020


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[u' @inproceedings{emaldi_blockchain-mediated_2020, title = {Blockchain-mediated {Collaboration} of {Citizens} in {Open} {Government} {Processes}}, doi = {10.23919/SpliTech49282.2020.9243734}, abstract = {This work explores how sustainable citizen collaboration to foster Open Government can be achieved by means of Blockchain-based solution. The technical feasibility and economic viability of a set of extensions of CKAN tool, bringing together Internet of People (IoP) related technologies such as Blockchain and crowdsourcing, to address sustainability in Open Government Portals is analysed. For that, a use case validation is performed, and the costs of its deployment assessed. The aim is to show how IoP promoting technologies enhance Public Administration (PA) and citizen collaboration to meet common interest objectives.}, booktitle = {2020 5th {International} {Conference} on {Smart} and {Sustainable} {Technologies} ({SpliTech})}, author = {Emaldi, Mikel and Zabaleta, Koldo and Guill\xe9n, Ibai and L\xf3pez-de-Ipi\xf1a, Diego}, month = sep, year = {2020}, keywords = {Blockchain, Collaboration, Crowdsourcing, Economics, Government, Open Data, Open Government, Portals, Sustainable development, Tools, crowdsourcing}, pages = {1--6}, } ']