RDF description Dr. Iván Pretel

?  -  Present

Ivan Pretel is a Research Assistant at the MORElab Research Group and he was an Assistant Professor at the University of Deusto. He received the Bachelors degree in Computer Engineering in 2008 and the MSc in Development and Integration of Software Solutions from the University of Deusto in 2010, where he is currently pursuing the PhD, focusing his research on fields related to Human-Computer Interaction, quality in use, advanced mobile services and 2.0 services. During his engineering studies he complemented his knowledge by working in the Architecture Department of a software company, responsible for managing and developing the internal software platform of a well-known savings bank. After completing his engineering studies, he received the Best End-Term Project Award. He began his research career in the Deusto Foundation where he started as a research intern in the mobile services area, participating in various projects related to system architecture and Human-Computer Interaction.


Shows the graph relationship between Iván Pretel and his co-authors.

Number of publications
Timeline with the number of publications (by type and total amount) authored by Iván Pretel through the years.

Author place
Distribution of publications by author place, classified by publication type authored by Iván Pretel.

Tag cloud
Weighed list of the topics used in the publications authored by Iván Pretel, visually represented as a cloud.

Similar people
Performs an analysis based on the topics used by Iván Pretel, looking for similar people having published in those topics. The greatest the overlap, the strongest the similarity between them.

Displays the projects in which Iván Pretel has been involved through the years.

Tag cloud
Weighed list of the topics used in the projects Iván Pretel has worked in, visually represented as a cloud.

Displays in a visual way the different positions Iván Pretel has held.