Analysis of Log File Data to Understand Mobile Service Context and Usage Patterns
Bernhard Klein, Iván Pretel, Sacha Vanhecke, Ana Belén Lago, Diego López-de-Ipiña.
International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence
≈ 820.6 KB
An E-Learning Platform for Integrated Management of Documents Based on Automatic Digitization
Ana Belén Lago, Iván Pretel.
Tecnologias del Aprendizaje, IEEE Revista Iberoamericana de
≈ 872.7 KB
Mobile Interaction Capturing System in Real Environments
Iván Pretel, Ana Belén Lago.
Computer Technology and Application
≈ 1.1 MB
Plataforma e-learning para la Gestión Integrada de Documentos Basada en la Digitalización Automática
Ana Belén Lago, Iván Pretel.
≈ 1.0 MB