Oct. 2010
[u' @article{cantamutto_resolucion_2015, title = {Resoluci\xf3n de correferencias para la captura de eventos}, volume = {18}, issn = {1666-0579}, url = {http://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=347539286004}, abstract = {El algoritmo Stanford Multi Sieve Pass (propuesto por Raghunathan et al. 2010) realiza secuencialmente una serie de pasos de reconocimiento que de manera inc...}, language = {es}, number = {2}, urldate = {2016-02-05TZ}, journal = {Revista Pilquen - Secci\xf3n Ciencias Sociales}, author = {Cantamutto, Luc\xeda and Abaitua, Joseba and Buj\xe1n, David and D\xedaz Labrador, Josuka and Berm\xfadez, Josu}, year = {2015}, note = {00000 ICDS = 4.230}, keywords = {Algoritmos de resoluci\xf3n, Captura de eventos, Correferencia, Datos enlazados.{\\textgreater}{\\textgreater}{\\textgreater}Coreference, Event capture, Resolution algorithm, Simple ..., Simple Event Model}, pages = {40--49} }'] [u' @inproceedings{cantamutto_correferencias:_2014, address = {Ja\xe9n, Espa\xf1a}, title = {Correferencias: resoluci\xf3n, discursos fragmentados y captura de eventos}, isbn = {1613-0073}, url = {http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1199/}, author = {Cantamutto, Luc\xeda and Berm\xfadez, Josu and Abaitua, Joseba and Buj\xe1n, David and D\xedaz-Labrador, JosuKa}, month = jun, year = {2014}, note = {00000}, keywords = {Correferencias, DBPedia, Linked Open Data, NLP, PLN, Semantics} }'] [u' @inproceedings{cantamutto_resolucion_2014, address = {Ciudad Real, Espa\xf1a}, title = {Resoluci\xf3n de correferencias en discursos fragmentados para la captura de eventos}, url = {http://www.sel.edu.es/?q=node/198}, author = {Cantamutto, Luc\xeda and Berm\xfadez, Josu and Abaitua Odriozola, Joseba Koldobika and Agerri Gasc\xf3n, Rodrigo and Buj\xe1n, David and D\xedaz Labrador, Jes\xfas Luis}, month = jan, year = {2014}, note = {00000}, keywords = {Correferencias, DBPedia, Linked Open Data, NLP, PLN, Semantics} }'] [u' @inproceedings{da_silva_conrado_extracting_2011, address = {Lisbon, Portugal}, title = {Extracting {Multiword} {Expressions} using {Enumerations} of {Noun} {Phrases} in {Specialized} {Domains}: first experiences}, isbn = {978-989-95618-4-7}, abstract = {We present a recognition algorithm for enumerations of Noun Phrase (NPEs) whose objective is to detect and extract multiword expression (MWE). The algorithm used syntactic rules elaboration from linguistic information aiming to recognize NPEs. This information corresponds to morphological categories (noun, adjective, female, male, etc.). The evaluation takes into account only bigrams found in two di\u2b1afferent domain corpora of medicine and legal texts. The results are encouraging because, despite the low recall of MWEs, many signi\u2b1aficant terminological units from the two specialized domains were detected and extracted.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 15th {Portuguese} {Conference} on {Artificial} {Intelligence}}, author = {da Silva Conrado, Merley and Koza, Walter and Diaz-Labrador, Josuka and Abaitua, Joseba and Pardo, Thiago A. S. and Solana, Zulema}, month = oct, year = {2011}, keywords = {Natural language processing, core-b, medical domain, multiword expressions, term extraction} }'] [u' @inproceedings{da_silva_conrado_experiments_2011, address = {Hissar, Bulgaria}, title = {Experiments on {Term} {Extraction} using {Noun} {Phrase} {Subclassifications}}, url = {http://aclweb.org/anthology/R11-1109}, abstract = {In this paper we describe and compare three approaches for the automatic extraction of medical terms using noun phrases (NPs) previously recognized on medical text corpus in Spanish. In the first approach, as baseline, we extracted all NPs, while for the second and third ones the extraction process is directed to \u201cspecific NPs\u201d that are determined on the basis of the syntactic and positional criteria, among others. As contributions (i) we showed that it is possible to extract medical terms using \u201cspecific NPs\u201d, (ii) new terms were added in the software dictionary, and (iii) terms that were not in the reference lists were extracted. For the third contribution, we used the SNOMED-CT\xa9 terms lists, aiming at improving the IULA reference lists.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {International} {Conference} {Recent} {Advances} in {Natural} {Language} {Processing} 2011}, publisher = {RANLP 2011 Organising Committee}, author = {da Silva Conrado, Merley and Koza, Walter and D\xedaz-Labrador, Josuka and Abaitua, Joseba and Oliveira Rezende, Solange and Pardo, Thiago and Solana, Zulema}, month = sep, year = {2011}, keywords = {Natural language processing, core-c, medical domain, term extraction}, pages = {746--751} }'] [u' @incollection{bujan_model_2009, title = {A {Model} of {Non} {Functional} {Properties} for {Grid} {Resources}}, copyright = {\xa92009 Springer-Verlag US}, isbn = {978-0-387-85965-1 978-0-387-85966-8}, url = {http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-0-387-85966-8_3}, language = {en}, urldate = {2013-11-04TZ}, booktitle = {Grid and {Services} {Evolution}}, publisher = {Springer US}, author = {Buj\xe1n, David and Corcho-Garc\xeda, Oscar and D\xedaz-Labrador, Josuka}, month = jan, year = {2009}, keywords = {Computer Communication Networks, Computer Systems Organization and Communication Networks, Grid, ISI, Non functional properties, Processor Architectures, distributed systems, ontologies}, pages = {1--13} }'] [u' @inproceedings{bujan_propiedades_2008, address = {Sevilla, Espa\xf1a}, title = {Propiedades de {Calidad} de {Servicio} en el {Descubrimiento} de {Recursos} {Grid}}, copyright = {Ninguna}, isbn = {978-84-691-6710-6}, url = {http://oa.upm.es/5658/}, abstract = {Uno de los problemas abiertos en el contexto de las Arquitecturas Orientadas a Servicios es del descubrimiento de recursos y/o servicios adecuados para llevar a cabo una tarea determinada. Los proveedores de informaci\xf3n Grid b\xe1sicamente ofrecen informaci\xf3n funcional sobre los recursos Grid que monitorizan, por lo que los modelos de informaci\xf3n Grid b\xe1sicamente representan esta informaci\xf3n sint\xe1ctica, y los consumidores de informaci\xf3n Grid usan normalmente dichas propiedades funcionales para seleccionar recursos. En la pr\xe1ctica, muchos trabajos se reinician debido a fallos en los recursos, aunque existen iniciativas que tratan de usar t\xe9cnicas aisladas para manejar algunas propiedades de calidad de servicio. En el presente art\xedculo se propone un nuevo enfoque para modelar recursos Grid junto con propiedades de calidad de servicio. Por un lado, este modelo est\xe1 basado en una ontolog\xeda desarrollada para integrar los modelos existentes tanto a nivel de representaci\xf3n de informaci\xf3n Grid como de calidad de servicio en general. Por otro lado, tambi\xe9n propone la creaci\xf3n de un sistema de medida - actualmente en desarrollo - para algunas propiedades de calidad de servicio (disponibilidad, rendimiento y fiabilidad).}, language = {spa}, urldate = {2013-11-04TZ}, booktitle = {Actas de las {IV} {Jornadas} {Cient\xedfico}-{T\xe9cnicas} en {Servicios} {Web} y {SOA}, {JSWEB}2008}, publisher = {Facultad de Inform\xe1tica (UPM)}, author = {Buj\xe1n, D. and Corcho, \xd3scar and D\xedaz-Labrador, J.}, month = oct, year = {2008}, keywords = {Grid, Non functional properties, distributed systems, ontologies} }'] [u' @incollection{oliver_bernal_issues_2007, title = {Issues in {WebLab} development: security, accesibility, collaboration and multilinguality}, isbn = {978-84-9830-077-2}, url = {https://www.weblab.deusto.es/Advances_on_remote_labs.pdf#page=111}, booktitle = {Advances on remote laboratories and e-learning experiences}, publisher = {Luis Gomes \\& Javier G. Zub\xeda Eds.}, author = {Oliver Bernal, Javier and Abaitua, Joseba and D\xedaz-Labrador, Josuka and Jacob Taquet, Ines and Buj\xe1n, David and Garaizar, Pablo and {L\xe1zaro, Luis}}, year = {2007}, note = {00000}, keywords = {Cloud Computing, Remote Laboratories, Software Architecture, WebLab-Deusto}, pages = {111--130} }'] [u' @inproceedings{garcia-zubia_alisis_2007, title = {An\xe1lisis de tecnolog\xedas sw para laboratorios remotos}, booktitle = {{XIII} {Jornadas} de {Ense\xf1anza} {Universitaria} de la {Inform\xe1tica} ({JENUI})}, author = {Garcia-Zubia, Javier and Ordu\xf1a, Pablo and Saenz Ruiz de Velasco, Jose Maria and Jacob Taquet, Ines and Diaz-Labrador, Josuka and Oliver Bernal, Javier}, year = {2007}, keywords = {AJAX, CPLD, FPGA, GPIB, Remote Laboratories, Software Architecture, WebLab-Deusto, python} }'] [u' @inproceedings{aguilera_semantic_2007, address = {Irvine, CA, USA}, title = {A {Semantic} {Matching} {Algorithm} for {Discovery} in {UDDI}}, volume = {1}, isbn = {0-7695-2997-6}, abstract = {One of the key objectives of web service technology is to construct processes that enable service providers to interconnect with their clients. The industry has developed the UDDI registry to enable the register of services and to make them available to their users. However, the keyword-based search of UDDI frequently return no results because there is no relation between the concepts used by the providers and those used by the clients. This paper presents an UDDI registry extended with semantic functionality by means of a generic semantic discovery algorithm that is not bound to any specific ontology or concepts from it. It enables to match instances and properties without specifically knowing the ontologies being matched. Furthermore, we present an ontology which represents the information associated with a business entity in UDDI, and which enables users to register and search business information semantically also using the former algorithm.}, booktitle = {International {Conference} on {Semantic} {Computing} ({ICSC} 2007)}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, author = {Aguilera, Unai and Abaitua, Joseba and D\xedaz-Labrador, Josuka and Buj\xe1n, David and L\xf3pez-de-Ipi\xf1a, Diego}, year = {2007}, keywords = {ISI, Service discovery, Web services, semantic, semantic web services, semb-uddi, uddi}, pages = {751 -- 758} }'] [u' @inproceedings{aguilera_generic_2007, address = {Xian, China}, title = {A {Generic} {Matching} {Algorithm} for {Semantic} {Discovery}}, volume = {1}, isbn = {0-7695-3007-9}, abstract = {This paper presents a generic semantic discovery algorithm, based in OWL, for UDDI registries that is not bound to any specific ontology or concepts from it. It enables to match instances and properties without spe- cifically knowing the ontologies being matched and it enables to use all concepts contained in the request resulting in a matching closer to the user needs. Also, the generality of the proposed algorithm enables to change the ontology being used to describe an element in the registry without needing to modify the algorithm and therefore, it enables to use other OWL ontologies to describe the information stored in the registry.}, booktitle = {Third {International} {Conference} on {Semantics}, {Knowledge} and {Grid} ({SKG} 07)}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, author = {Aguilera, Unai and Abaitua, Joseba and D\xedaz-Labrador, Josuka and Buj\xe1n, David and L\xf3pez-de-Ipi\xf1a, Diego}, year = {2007}, keywords = {ISI, Service discovery, Web services, semantic, semantic web services, semb-uddi, uddi}, pages = {442} }'] [u' @inproceedings{bujan_xemgrid:_2005, title = {{XemGrid}: {Mejora} en el descubrimiento de {Grid} services utilizando informaci\xf3n sem\xe1ntica}, booktitle = {Actas de las {JSWeb} 2005}, author = {Buj\xe1n, David and D\xedaz, Josuka and Abaitua, Joseba and Jacob, In\xe9s}, year = {2005}, keywords = {Grid, Grid Services, WSRF} }'] [u' @incollection{garcia_foundations_2003, address = {Berlin}, title = {Foundations of a new proposal for querying relational databases and {XML} documents}, volume = {2722}, isbn = {3-540-40522-4}, abstract = {Today, a large amount of information has been stored in XML, which has become the most useful standard of data interchange in the web and e-business world. Nonetheless, a large quantity of information remains stored in Relational Databases. It is very important to be able to jointly manage these two data formats. One solution would be an integrated query model that would at the same time allow the query of a relational database and of XML data. Because of the growing number of applications that have to work in a web environment, the proposed system should use a query language based in XML and also return answers in the same XML format. After having made a detailed study, in this paper we make comparing different systems that link both, databases and XML. Besides, we propose a new system to overcome the limitations found in them.}, language = {English}, booktitle = {Web {Engineering}, {Proceedings}}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag Berlin}, author = {Garcia, A. F. and Larrea, M. J. G. and Aguilar, L. J. and Labrador, J. L. D.}, editor = {Lovelle, J. M. C. and Rodriguez, B. M. G. and Aguilar, L. J. and Gayo, J. E. L. and Ruiz, M. D. P.}, year = {2003}, note = {WOS:000185074000076}, pages = {411--412} }'] [u' @article{diaz-labrador_adaptive-control_1987, title = {Adaptive-{Control} for a {Dc} {Motor} {Powered} by {Amplidyns}}, volume = {20}, abstract = {This paper is about the formulism of the adaptative control on a particular class of bilinear systems: interconeted compound bilinear systems. In order to study a practical model, we have taken an electric system compoused by a D.C. motor powered by two amplidyins. Beginning from the electric circuit equations, an state variable discrete model in which an adaptative controller are implemented, is given. This model is an extension of the usual lineal cases. Exhaustive worked exampls have proved the efficiency of the proposed theory. The most attractive fact is that some voltages and currents can be simultaneously held variables in the regulation.}, language = {Spanish}, number = {1}, journal = {Revista De Informatica Y Automatica}, author = {Diaz-Labrador, Josuka and Iturrioz, Carlos Alberto and Sagastabeitia, Ibon and Villameriel, Tom\xe1s and De la Sen, Manuel}, month = jan, year = {1987}, note = {WOS:A1987H721200004}, pages = {34--44} }']