[u" @inproceedings{lopez-de-ipina_collaborative_2022, title = {A {Collaborative} {Environment} to {Boost} {Co}-{Production} of {Sustainable} {Public} {Services}}, doi = {10.23919/SpliTech55088.2022.9854297}, abstract = {Government scholars claim that co-production might be the key to evolve towards more citizen-centric and sustainable public services. This paper describes the work carried out within the European H2020 project INTERLINK towards devising a co-production environment to democratize and boost the collaborative co-design and co-delivery of public services and to foster the reuse of a continuous growing plethora of public services' building blocks (INTERLIKERs). The evaluation strategy to assess the provided co-production environment in 3 cross-European pilots is designed to understand the perceived quality of digitally co-produced public services and its influence on their acceptance and trust among civil servants, citizens and other stakeholders.}, booktitle = {2022 7th {International} {Conference} on {Smart} and {Sustainable} {Technologies} ({SpliTech})}, author = {L\xf3pez-De-Ipi\xf1a, Diego and Badiola, Julen and Silva, Daniel Andr\xe9s and Casado-Mansilla, Diego and Not, Elena and Leonardi, Chiara and Ortiz-de-Guinea, Ana and Porto, Igone}, month = jul, year = {2022}, keywords = {Collaboration, Europe, Government, Open API, Stakeholders, building block, co-production, enabler, quality-assurance, schemas}, pages = {1--6}, } "]