RDF description Koldo Zabaleta

Research Technician

Mar. 2017  -  Jul. 2020

[u' @inproceedings{emaldi_blockchain-mediated_2020, title = {Blockchain-mediated {Collaboration} of {Citizens} in {Open} {Government} {Processes}}, doi = {10.23919/SpliTech49282.2020.9243734}, abstract = {This work explores how sustainable citizen collaboration to foster Open Government can be achieved by means of Blockchain-based solution. The technical feasibility and economic viability of a set of extensions of CKAN tool, bringing together Internet of People (IoP) related technologies such as Blockchain and crowdsourcing, to address sustainability in Open Government Portals is analysed. For that, a use case validation is performed, and the costs of its deployment assessed. The aim is to show how IoP promoting technologies enhance Public Administration (PA) and citizen collaboration to meet common interest objectives.}, booktitle = {2020 5th {International} {Conference} on {Smart} and {Sustainable} {Technologies} ({SpliTech})}, author = {Emaldi, Mikel and Zabaleta, Koldo and Guill\xe9n, Ibai and L\xf3pez-de-Ipi\xf1a, Diego}, month = sep, year = {2020}, keywords = {Blockchain, Collaboration, Crowdsourcing, Economics, Government, Open Data, Open Government, Portals, Sustainable development, Tools, crowdsourcing}, pages = {1--6}, } ']

[u" @inproceedings{zabaleta_barriers_2020, address = {Split (Croatia)}, title = {Barriers to {Widespread} the {Adoption} of {Electric} {Flexibility} {Markets}: {A} {Triangulation} {Approach}}, url = {https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9243744}, doi = {10.23919/SpliTech49282.2020.9243744}, abstract = {The electricity markets are changing across the world and one of the biggest changes is the widespread deployment of Distributed Energy Resources (DER). This paper analyses the barriers that hinder the proliferation of Local Flexibility Market (LFM) and Local Energy Market (LEM) platforms, where DER can participate through Internet of Things (IoT) and Blockchain technologies. After surveying the body of knowledge, interviewing experts and consulting end-users of pilot-buildings through questionnaires, the authors identified a comprehensive list of barriers that can be classified within the following main themes: (1) fit to current lifestyles, (2) administration, (3) standardization, (4) trust, (5) technical, and (6) costs, where each category has several sub-categories. Finally, the paper develops a categorization by their nature and finds a suitable distinction between socio-economical, technical and legal barriers. The taxonomy and the dataset with experts' categorisation is publicly available in Zenodo for other researchers and interested audiences. To the best of the authors' knowledge, there are no current research studies exploring in detail heterogeneous barriers posed from diverse backgrounds, and the degree each one of them affects the adoption of LFM.}, booktitle = {In 2020 5th {International} {Conference} on {Smart} and {Sustainable} {Technologies} ({SpliTech})}, publisher = {IEEE Xplore}, author = {Zabaleta, Koldo and Casado-Mansilla, Diego and Kapassa, Evgenia and Pre\xdfmair, Guntram and Themistocleous, Marinos and L\xf3pez de Ipi\xf1a, Diego and Borges, Cruz E.}, month = sep, year = {2020}, keywords = {IoT, Peer to peer computing, Software Architecture}, pages = {1--6}, } "]

[u" @article{zabaleta_designing_2019, title = {Designing a {Human} {Computation} {Framework} to {Enhance} {Citizen}-{Government} {Interaction}}, volume = {25}, url = {http://www.jucs.org/jucs_25_2/designing_a_human_computation}, abstract = {Human computation or Human-based computation (HBC) is a paradigm that considers the design and analysis of information processing systems in which humans participate as computational agents performing small tasks and being orchestrated by a computer system. In particular, humans perform small pieces of work and a computer system is in charge of orchestrating their results. In this work, we want to exploit this potential to improve the take-up of e-service usage by citizens interacting with governments. To that end, we propose Citizenpedia, a human computation framework aimed at fostering citizen's involvement in the public administration. Citizenpedia is presented as a web application with two main components: the Question Answering Engine, where citizens and civil servants can post and solve doubts about e-services and public administration, and the Collaborative Procedure Designer, where citizens can collaborate with civil servants in the definition and improvement of new administrative procedures and e-services. In this work, we present the design and prototype of Citizenpedia and two evaluation studies conducted: the first one, a set of on-line surveys about the component's design, and the second one, a face-to-face user evaluation of the prototype. These evaluations showed us that the participants of the tests found the platform attractive, and pointed out several improvement suggestions regarding user experience of e-services.}, language = {en}, number = {2}, journal = {Journal of Universal Computer Science}, author = {Zabaleta, Koldo and Lopez-Novoa, Unai and Pretel, Ivan and L\xf3pez-de-Ipi\xf1a, Diego and Cartelli, Vincenzo}, year = {2019}, keywords = {Q3, e-government, human computation, human-computer interaction, jcr1.079, simpatico}, pages = {32} }"]

[u' @article{emaldi_audablok:_2019, title = {{AUDABLOK}: {Engaging} {Citizens} in {Open} {Data} {Refinement} through {Blockchain}}, volume = {31}, copyright = {http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/}, shorttitle = {{AUDABLOK}}, url = {https://www.mdpi.com/2504-3900/31/1/52}, doi = {10.3390/proceedings2019031052}, abstract = {This work describes how open data and human computation can be brought together through blockchain to foster the collaboration of citizens on the continuous enhancement of open data portals. For that, it contributes with a set of enhancements to the widely adopted data management tool Comprehensive Knowledge Archive Network (CKAN), to allow full audit and management of the change requests posed by citizens to datasets in open data portals. User contributions\\’ sustainability in time is tackled by providing rewards to users through AudaCoins, a currency that rewards citizens according to their refinement contributions, thus encouraging their continuous engagement with city co-creation activities.}, language = {en}, number = {1}, urldate = {2020-01-31}, journal = {Proceedings}, author = {Emaldi, Mikel and Zabaleta, Koldo and L\xf3pez-de-Ipi\xf1a, Diego}, year = {2019}, keywords = {blockchain, citizen engagement, co-creation, crowdsourcing, datasets, human computation, open data, smart citizens, user collaboration}, pages = {52} }']

[u' @article{zabaleta_human_2018, title = {Human {Computation} to {Enhance} {E}-{Service} {Consumption} among {Elderlies}}, volume = {2}, issn = {2504-3900}, url = {http://www.mdpi.com/2504-3900/2/19/1221}, doi = {10.3390/proceedings2191221}, abstract = {Smart Cities aim to increase citizens\u2019 quality of life. Smart Government is a part of Smart Cities domain aiming to enhance the communication and interactions of citizens and companies with government. The SIMPATICO framework combines machine and human intelligence to simplify e-services i.e., web accessible apps to accomplish administrative procedures online, and thus enable a more widespread adoption of electronic procedures. This paper reviews the impact of instrumenting e-services, in Galicia region in Spain, with SIMPATICO features, e.g., text and work\ufb02ow simplication, autocompletion of personal data and public procedure documentation and support through crowdsourced questions and answers. Particularly, taking into account the lessons learnt at the \ufb01rst pilot evaluation with Elderly people, this paper describes the public procedure model proposed by SIMPATICO which backs the application of diverse strategies to better support users while facing the completion of complex administrative procedures.}, language = {en}, number = {19}, urldate = {2018-12-14TZ}, journal = {Proceedings}, author = {Zabaleta, Koldo and L\xf3pez-de-Ipi\xf1a, Diego and Sanz, Enrique and Irizar-Arrieta, Ane and Cartelli, Vincenzo and Modica, Giuseppe and Tomarchio, Orazio}, month = oct, year = {2018}, keywords = {accessibility, human computation, piloting, simpatico, smart government, usability, web technologies}, pages = {1221} }']

[u' @incollection{urzaiz_easing_2013, series = {Lecture {Notes} in {Computer} {Science}}, title = {Easing {Communication} {Means} {Selection} {Using} {Context} {Information} and {Semantic} {Technologies}}, volume = {8276}, isbn = {978-3-319-03175-0 978-3-319-03176-7}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-03176-7_30}, abstract = {Due to the advances in the ICTs in recent years, the variety of communication means at our disposal has noticeably increased. Some communication means offer simple tools to inform users about the status and availability of their contacts. However, not all of them offer this functionality, and indeed, elements like context, preferences and habits of the contact, which currently are not considered, should be taken into account before trying to stablish communication with a contact. In order to tackle this problem, we propose a platform that takes into account these features to assist users in deciding what communication means to use with each contact in each moment. Considering the real-time constraints of the system, a series of performance tests are also presented.}, booktitle = {Ubiquitous {Computing} and {Ambient} {Intelligence}. {Context}-{Awareness} and {Context}-{Driven} {Interaction}}, publisher = {Springer International Publishing}, author = {Zabaleta, Koldo and Curiel, Pablo and Lago, AnaB.}, editor = {Urzaiz, Gabriel and Ochoa, SergioF. and Bravo, Jos\xe9 and Chen, LimingLuke and Oliveira, Jonice}, year = {2013}, keywords = {Mobile devices, Semantics, android, communications, java, jena, kontatu, mobile technology, reasoning, semantic technologies, social networks}, pages = {231--238} }']

[u' @inproceedings{zabaleta_plataforma_2013, address = {Lisbon, Portugal}, title = {Plataforma para la asistencia en la comunicaci\xf3n con dispositivos m\xf3viles sensible al contexto}, volume = {1}, isbn = {978-989-96247-9-5}, abstract = {Gracias a los avances de las TIC en los \xfaltimos a\xf1os la oferta de canales de comunicaci\xf3n al alcance de los usuarios es muy amplia. Esto plantea un problema a la hora de comunicarnos con nuestros contactos, ya que disponemos de poca o ninguna ayuda para decidir por qu\xe9 medio de comunicaci\xf3n optar en cada caso. En este art\xedculo presentamos una plataforma que permite a los usuarios registrar los medios de comunicaci\xf3n de los que disponen y configurar preferencias de diversos tipos sobre ellos. Posteriormente, haciendo uso de esta informaci\xf3n, la plataforma es capaz de sugerir a los usuarios finales qu\xe9 medio emplear cuando desean establecer comunicaci\xf3n con sus contactos.}, booktitle = {Atas da 8\xaa {Confer\xeancia} {Ib\xe9rica} de {Sistemas} e {Tecnologias} de {Informac\xe3o}}, author = {Zabaleta, Koldo and Curiel, Pablo and Lago, Ana B.}, year = {2013}, keywords = {ISI, Mobile devices, android, communication, java, jena, kontatu, reasoning, semantic technologies, social networks}, pages = {371--377} }']

[u' @incollection{nugent_mobile_2013, series = {Lecture {Notes} in {Computer} {Science}}, title = {Mobile {NFC} vs {Touchscreen} {Based} {Interaction}: {Architecture} {Proposal} and {Evaluation}}, volume = {8277}, isbn = {978-3-319-03091-3}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-03092-0_3}, abstract = {The advances in ICTs have been significant during the last years, but progress in this area has not been accompanied by so significant improvements in user experience techniques. This has led to a certain group of people being unable to make use and benefit from the advanced features and services offered by these technologies. One of the most innovative technologies for human-computer interaction is the Near Field Communication (NFC). In this paper we present a platform that uses NFC technology in order to reduce the digital gap for mobile users, together with an experiment carried out with the goal of evaluating the differences between executing mobile services using the proposed platform and using the traditional touchscreen-based interaction.}, booktitle = {Ambient {Assisted} {Living} and {Active} {Aging}}, publisher = {Springer International Publishing}, author = {Curiel, Pablo and Zabaleta, Koldo and Lago, AnaB.}, editor = {Nugent, Christopher and Coronato, Antonio and Bravo, Jos\xe9}, year = {2013}, keywords = {Mobile devices, accesibility, android, java, jena, lagunfc, mobile interaction, nfc, reasoning, semantic technologies, social networks}, pages = {18--25} }']

[u' @inproceedings{curiel_simplenfc:_2013, address = {Lisbon, Portugal}, title = {{SimpleNFC}: {Simplificaci\xf3n} del acceso a servicios del mundo digital mediante {NFC}}, volume = {1}, isbn = {978-989-96247-9-5}, abstract = {Como consecuencia de los destacables avances en las tecnolog\xedas y soluciones en movilidad en los \xfaltimos a\xf1os, el tel\xe9fono m\xf3vil se ha convertido en un dispositivo casi indispensable en el d\xeda a d\xeda y que posibilita el acceso a un gran abanico de servicios. El problema surge en la interacci\xf3n con este tipo de dispositivos. As\xed, aunque la mayor parte de la poblaci\xf3n es capaz de trabajar con estos, algunos colectivos como las personas mayores, presentan grandes dificultades para ello. Para reducir la brecha digital existente para este colectivo proponemos una plataforma que hace uso de Near Field Communication (NFC) y tecnolog\xedas sem\xe1nticas. El objetivo de la misma es prestar distintos servicios al usuario a partir de la lectura de una combinaci\xf3n de etiquetas con un tel\xe9fono m\xf3vil, haciendo la interacci\xf3n con este tipo de dispositivos m\xe1s f\xe1cil y amigable.}, booktitle = {Atas da 8\xaa {Confer\xeancia} {Ib\xe9rica} de {Sistemas} e {Tecnologias} de {Informac\xe3o}}, author = {Curiel, Pablo and Zabaleta, Koldo and Pretel, Iv\xe1n and Lago, Ana B.}, year = {2013}, keywords = {ISI, Mobile devices, android, java, jena, lagunfc, nfc, reasoning, semantic technologies, social networks}, pages = {364--369} }']

[u' @inproceedings{lago_integration_2013, address = {Orlando, Florida USA}, title = {Integration of {Traditional} and {Emerging} {Technologies} in the {Education} {Sector}}, abstract = {The constant evolution that the Internet and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have suffered in recent years, has allowed the creation and improvement of more productive sectors. Education sector has been one of the sectors which most increase has had due to ICTs. Unfortunately, ICTs have been designed and deployed to change drastically the learning methodologies. One of the reasons for this reality is the several technology plans promoted by the governments. The main objectives of this kind of plans are to provide ICT resources to students and schools, ensuring Internet connectivity within the classroom and to promote the access to digital educational materials. Moreover, the technological gap is the main problem to solve in this area. Lecturers, teachers and students have to learn a lot of tools to have better experience inside the educational environments. We show by this work a platform based on digital pens integrated with one Learning Management System to minimize the technological gap by using devices that are everyday used.}, author = {Lago, Ana B. and Pretel, Ivan and Zabaleta, Koldo}, year = {2013} }']

[u' @inproceedings{lago_enhancing_2011, address = {Madrid, Spain}, title = {Enhancing {User} {Experience} in {Virtual} {Learning} {Environments} with {Digital} {Pens}}, isbn = {978-84-615-3324-4}, abstract = {The exponential evolution that Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have suffered the last years has been one of the reasons why all type of sectors as industrial or educational have improved their productivity. One of the disadvantages of this fast evolution is that not all users have been used to this new technologies, basically because the way of doing a task has drastically changed. This problem is known as \u201cincrease of the technological or digital gap\u201d. In order to reduce this technological gap we have designed, implemented and evaluated a new Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) based on digital pens. This solution consists of the integration of typical devices with a Learning Management System (LMS), concretely, Google Apps. A digital pen looks and feels like a normal ballpoint pen but thanks to it the handwriting can be captured, stored and sent by a safe way. In this case these data are sent to the LMS where students can manage and share notes by this platform and complete an existing document in the LMS with the digitalized information. The platform also offers a way to evaluate the students. Students can do several tests created by teachers previously. To carry out this activity, students will use a digital pen. Thus, the digitized information with the answers of the students will send to the platform where the tests are corrected immediately.}, booktitle = {{ICERI}2011 {Proceedings}}, author = {Lago, Ana B. and Pretel, Ivan and Zabaleta, Koldo}, year = {2011}, keywords = {digital pen, learning management systems, technological gap}, pages = {5563--5568} }']