RDF description Dr. Mikel Emaldi

Lecturer & Researcher

Sep. 2010  -  Present
m.emaldi [at] deusto.es

 +34 944 139 003

[u' @article{almeida_comparative_2022, title = {A {Comparative} {Analysis} of {Human} {Behavior} {Prediction} {Approaches} in {Intelligent} {Environments}}, volume = {22}, issn = {1424-8220}, url = {https://www.mdpi.com/1424-8220/22/3/701}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.3390/s22030701}, abstract = {Behavior modeling has multiple applications in the intelligent environment domain. It has been used in different tasks, such as the stratification of different pathologies, prediction of the user actions and activities, or modeling the energy usage. Specifically, behavior prediction can be used to forecast the future evolution of the users and to identify those behaviors that deviate from the expected conduct. In this paper, we propose the use of embeddings to represent the user actions, and study and compare several behavior prediction approaches. We test multiple model (LSTM, CNNs, GCNs, and transformers) architectures to ascertain the best approach to using embeddings for behavior modeling and also evaluate multiple embedding retrofitting approaches. To do so, we use the Kasteren dataset for intelligent environments, which is one of the most widely used datasets in the areas of activity recognition and behavior modeling.}, language = {English}, number = {3}, journal = {Sensors}, author = {Almeida, Aitor and Bermejo, Unai and Bilbao Jayo, Aritz and Azkune, Gorka and Aguilera, Unai and Emaldi, Mikel and Dornaika, Fadi and Arganda-Carreras, Ignacio}, month = jan, year = {2022}, keywords = {AI for health, CNN, JCR3.576, LSTM, Q1, activity recognition, artificial intelligence, attention, behavior modelling, behaviour prediction, convolutional networks, embeddings, futuraal, geometric deep learning, graph neural networks, knowledge graphs, machine learning, recurrent neural networks, transformers}, pages = {701}, } ']

[u' @article{bilbao_jayo_behavior_2021, title = {Behavior {Modeling} for a {Beacon}-{Based} {Indoor} {Location} {System}}, volume = {21}, issn = {1424-8220}, url = {https://www.mdpi.com/1424-8220/21/14/4839}, doi = {10.3390/s21144839}, abstract = {In this work we performed a comparison between two different approaches to track a person in indoor environments using a locating system based on BLE technology with a smartphone and a smartwatch as monitoring devices. To do so, we provide the system architecture we designed and describe how the different elements of the proposed system interact with each other. Moreover, we have evaluated the system\u2019s performance by computing the mean percentage error in the detection of the indoor position. Finally, we present a novel location prediction system based on neural embeddings, and a soft-attention mechanism, which is able to predict user\u2019s next location with 67\\% accuracy.}, language = {English}, number = {14}, journal = {Sensors}, author = {Bilbao Jayo, Aritz and Almeida, Aitor and Sergi, Ilaria and Montanaro, Teodoro and Fasano, Luca and Emaldi, Mikel and Patrono, Luigi}, month = jul, year = {2021}, keywords = {AI for health, Artificial Intelligence, BD4QoL, Behavior modelling, Behavior prediction, FuturAAL, Intelligent Environments, IoT, JCR3.576, Machine learning, Q1, activity recognition, indoor navigation, location systems}, pages = {4839}, } ']

[u' @inproceedings{emaldi_blockchain-mediated_2020, title = {Blockchain-mediated {Collaboration} of {Citizens} in {Open} {Government} {Processes}}, doi = {10.23919/SpliTech49282.2020.9243734}, abstract = {This work explores how sustainable citizen collaboration to foster Open Government can be achieved by means of Blockchain-based solution. The technical feasibility and economic viability of a set of extensions of CKAN tool, bringing together Internet of People (IoP) related technologies such as Blockchain and crowdsourcing, to address sustainability in Open Government Portals is analysed. For that, a use case validation is performed, and the costs of its deployment assessed. The aim is to show how IoP promoting technologies enhance Public Administration (PA) and citizen collaboration to meet common interest objectives.}, booktitle = {2020 5th {International} {Conference} on {Smart} and {Sustainable} {Technologies} ({SpliTech})}, author = {Emaldi, Mikel and Zabaleta, Koldo and Guill\xe9n, Ibai and L\xf3pez-de-Ipi\xf1a, Diego}, month = sep, year = {2020}, keywords = {Blockchain, Collaboration, Crowdsourcing, Economics, Government, Open Data, Open Government, Portals, Sustainable development, Tools, crowdsourcing}, pages = {1--6}, } ']

[u' @article{emaldi_audablok:_2019, title = {{AUDABLOK}: {Engaging} {Citizens} in {Open} {Data} {Refinement} through {Blockchain}}, volume = {31}, copyright = {http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/}, shorttitle = {{AUDABLOK}}, url = {https://www.mdpi.com/2504-3900/31/1/52}, doi = {10.3390/proceedings2019031052}, abstract = {This work describes how open data and human computation can be brought together through blockchain to foster the collaboration of citizens on the continuous enhancement of open data portals. For that, it contributes with a set of enhancements to the widely adopted data management tool Comprehensive Knowledge Archive Network (CKAN), to allow full audit and management of the change requests posed by citizens to datasets in open data portals. User contributions\\’ sustainability in time is tackled by providing rewards to users through AudaCoins, a currency that rewards citizens according to their refinement contributions, thus encouraging their continuous engagement with city co-creation activities.}, language = {en}, number = {1}, urldate = {2020-01-31}, journal = {Proceedings}, author = {Emaldi, Mikel and Zabaleta, Koldo and L\xf3pez-de-Ipi\xf1a, Diego}, year = {2019}, keywords = {blockchain, citizen engagement, co-creation, crowdsourcing, datasets, human computation, open data, smart citizens, user collaboration}, pages = {52} }']

[u' @inproceedings{lopez-de-ipina_empowering_2018, address = {Lisbon (Portugal)}, title = {Empowering citizens into co-creators of demand-driven public services}, isbn = {978-989-8533-80-7}, abstract = {Open Government aims to enhance the transparency, participation and collaboration of city stakeholders in order to give place to Smarter Cities. This paper describes the WeLive co-creation fostering methodology together with its associated co-creation tools and a wide range of resulting co-created artefacts. This combination of co-creation methodology, platform and assets have been used to foster higher and better public-private partnerships for addressing citizen needs through new user demand-driven public services in four pilots across Europe. The lessons learned from this piloting on the value of co-creation to enhance participation and collaboration among distinct Smart Cities stakeholders are described.}, booktitle = {{IADIS} {International} {Conference} {Theory} and {Practice} in {Modern} {Computing} 2018}, author = {L\xf3pez-de-Ipi\xf1a, Diego and Misikangas, Pauli and Emaldi, Mikel and Aguilera, Unai and Drajic, Dejan and Sillaurren, Sara}, year = {2018}, keywords = {Open Data, Open Government, Open services, co-creation, smart cities}, pages = {162--173} }']

[u' @article{lopez-novoa_overcrowding_2017, title = {Overcrowding detection in indoor events using scalable technologies}, volume = {21}, issn = {1617-4909}, shorttitle = {{PUC}}, url = {https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00779-017-1012-6}, doi = {10.1007/s00779-017-1012-6}, abstract = {The increase in the number of large-scale events held indoors (i.e., conferences and business events) opens new opportunities for crowd monitoring and access controlling as a way to prevent risks and provide further information about the event\u2019s development. In addition, the availability of already connectable devices among attendees allows to perform non-intrusive positioning during the event, without the need of specific tracking devices. We present an algorithm for overcrowding detection based on passive Wi-Fi requests capture and a platform for event monitoring that integrates this algorithm. The platform offers access control management, attendees monitoring and the analysis and visualization of the captured information, using a scalable software architecture. In this paper, we evaluate the algorithm in two ways: First, we test its accuracy with data captured in a real event, and then we analyze the scalability of the code in a multi-core Apache Spark-based environment. The experiments show that the algorithm provides accurate results with the captured data, and that the code scales properly.}, number = {3}, journal = {Personal and Ubiquitous Computing}, author = {Lopez-Novoa, Unai and Aguilera, Unai and Emaldi, Mikel and L\xf3pez-de-Ipi\xf1a, Diego and P\xe9rez-de-Albeniz, Iker and Valerdi, David and Iturricha, Ibai and Arza, Eneko}, month = feb, year = {2017}, note = {00001}, keywords = {Cloud-based computing, Indoor Positioning, Q2, jcr1.924}, pages = {507--519} }']

[u' @article{emaldi_towards_2017, title = {Towards {Citizen} {Co}-{Created} {Public} {Service} {Apps} (sensors)}, volume = {17}, url = {http://www.mdpi.com/1424-8220/17/6/1265}, doi = {10.3390/s17061265}, abstract = {WeLive project\u2019s main objective is about transforming the current e-government approach by providing a new paradigm based on a new open model oriented towards the design, production and deployment of public services and mobile apps based on the collaboration of different stakeholders. These stakeholders form the quadruple helix, i.e., citizens, private companies, research institutes and public administrations. Through the application of open innovation, open data and open services paradigms, the framework developed within the WeLive project enables the co-creation of urban apps. In this paper, we extend the description of the WeLive platform presented at , plus the preliminary results of the first pilot phase. The two-phase evaluation methodology designed and the evaluation results of first pilot sub-phase are also presented.}, number = {6}, journal = {Sensors}, author = {Emaldi, Mikel and Aguilera, Unai and L\xf3pez-de-Ipi\xf1a, Diego and P\xe9rez, Jorge}, month = jun, year = {2017}, keywords = {Q2, jcr2.475} }']

[u" @inproceedings{aguilera_platform_2016, address = {Toulouse, France}, title = {A {Platform} for {Overcrowding} {Detection} in {Indoor} {Events} using {Scalable} {Technologies}}, isbn = {978-1-5090-2771-2}, url = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7816854/}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1109/UIC-ATC-ScalCom-CBDCom-IoP-SmartWorld.2016.0058}, abstract = {The increase in the number of large scale events held indoors (i.e. conferences, business events) opens new opportunities for crowd monitoring, access controlling as a way to prevent risks, provide further information about the event's development. In addition, the availability of already connectable devices among attendees allows to perform non-intrusive positioning during the event, without the need of specific tracking devices. We present a platform that integrates the access control management, attendees monitoring based on passive Wi-Fi requests detection,, the analysis, visualization of the captured information using an scalable software architecture. The analysis of the captured information enables to detect crowded zones, the attendance status during the event's performance, after its ending. In addition, the proposed platform has been evaluated using information captured in a real event.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 13th {International} {Conference} on {Ubiquitous} {Intelligence} and {Computing}}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, author = {Aguilera, Unai and Lopez Novoa, Unai and Emaldi, Mikel and Lopez-de-Ipi\xf1a, Diego and P\xe9rez-De-Albeniz, Iker and Valerdi, David and Iturricha, Ibai and Arza, Eneko}, year = {2016}, note = {00000}, pages = {269--276} }"]

[u' @incollection{lopez-de-ipina_towards_2016, series = {Lecture {Notes} in {Computer} {Science}}, title = {Towards {Citizen} {Co}-created {Public} {Service} {Apps}}, copyright = {\xa92016 Springer International Publishing AG}, isbn = {978-3-319-48798-4 978-3-319-48799-1}, url = {http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-48799-1_51}, abstract = {This paper describes the WeLive framework, a set of tools to enable co-created urban apps by means of bringing together Open Innovation, Open Data and Open Services paradigms. It proposes a more holistic involvement of stakeholders across service ideation, creation and exploitation. The WeLive co-creation process applied to three new urban apps in the city of Bilbao is described. The two-phase evaluation methodology designed and the evaluation results of pre-pilot sub-phase are also presented. As a result, an early user experience evaluation for WeLive has been obtained.}, language = {en}, number = {10070}, urldate = {2016-12-04TZ}, booktitle = {Ubiquitous {Computing} and {Ambient} {Intelligence}}, publisher = {Springer International Publishing}, author = {L\xf3pez-de-Ipi\xf1a, Diego and Emaldi, Mikel and Aguilera, Unai and P\xe9rez-Velasco, Jorge}, editor = {Garc\xeda, Carmelo R. and Caballero-Gil, Pino and Burmester, Mike and Quesada-Arencibia, Alexis}, month = nov, year = {2016}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-48799-1_51}, note = {00000 }, keywords = {Artificial Intelligence (incl. Robotics), Computer Communication Networks, Computers and Society, Information Storage and Retrieval, Information Systems Applications (incl. Internet), Open Data, Open government, Open innovation, Open services, User Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction}, pages = {469--481} }']

[u' @incollection{emaldi_linked_2015, title = {Linked {Open} {Data} as the {Fuel} for {Smarter} {Cities}}, booktitle = {Modeling and {Processing} for {Next}-{Generation} {Big}-{Data} {Technologies}}, publisher = {Springer}, author = {Emaldi, Mikel and Pe\xf1a, Oscar and L\xe1zaro, Jon and L\xf3pez-de-Ipi\xf1a, Diego}, year = {2015}, note = {00000}, pages = {443--472} }']

[u' @inproceedings{orduna_generic_2013, address = {Oklahoma City, OK, USA}, title = {Generic integration of remote laboratories in learning and content management systems through federation protocols}, doi = {10.1109/FIE.2013.6685057}, abstract = {Educational remote laboratories are a software and hardware tool that allows students to remotely access real equipment located in universities as if they were in a hands-on-lab session. Their integration in Content and Learning Management Systems (CMSs or LMSs) has been an active research topic for years, supporting mainly ad hoc solutions. A notable exception has been the use of federation protocols -commonly used for sharing laboratories from one university to other-, for actually sharing laboratories from a remote laboratory system to a C/LMS. This approach opened new doors in the simplification of the process, since it did not require the remote laboratories to make any type of change. The focus of this contribution is to provide a solution to decrease the number of functionalities required for creating an integration by providing a software component that reuses them. As shown in the contribution, this component has been implemented and two remote laboratory management systems (which provide access to multiple remote laboratories) are already supported, and a third one is under development. In the C/LMS side, all the LMSs supporting IMS LTI are supported, and HTTP APIs are provided for being supported by other systems. Indeed, the contribution describes its support in the Joomla CMS and in the Moodle 1.9 and dotLRN LMSs which do not support IMS LTI. The solution, called gateway4labs, is an open source initiative which targets to be used in production.}, booktitle = {2013 {IEEE} {Frontiers} in {Education} {Conference}}, author = {Ordu\xf1a, Pablo and Botero Uribe, Sergio and Hock Isaza, Nicol\xe1s and Sancristobal, Elio and Emaldi, Mikel and Pesquera Martin, Alberto and DeLong, Kimberly and Bailey, Philip and L\xf3pez-de-Ipi\xf1a, Diego and Castro, Manuel and Garc\xeda-Zubia, Javier}, month = oct, year = {2013}, keywords = {CMS, Federation, Interoperability, Joomla, LMS, LTI, Moodle, Remote Laboratories, Software Architecture, WebLab-Deusto, e-Learning, gateway4labs, iLab Shared Architecture}, pages = {1372--1378} }']

[u" @inproceedings{emaldi_trust_2013, address = {Riva del Garda (Italy)}, title = {To trust, or not to trust: {Highlighting} the need for data provenance in mobile apps for smart cities}, shorttitle = {To trust, or not to trust}, url = {http://db.disi.unitn.eu/pages/VLDBProgram/pdf/IMMoA/paper7.pdf}, abstract = {The popularity of smartphones makes them the most suitable devices to ensure access to services provided by smart cities; furthermore, as one of the main features of the smart cities is the participation of the citizens in their governance, it is not unusual that these citizens generate and share their own data through their smartphones. But, how can we know if these data are reliable? How can identify if a given user and, consequently, the data generated by him/her, can be trusted? On this paper, we present how the IES Cities' platform integrates the PROV Data Model and the related PROV-O ontology, allowing the exchange of provenance information about user-generated data in the context of smart cities.}, urldate = {2013-09-23TZ}, author = {Emaldi, Mikel and Pe\xf1a, Oscar and L\xe1zaro, Jon and Vanhecke, Sacha and Mannens, Erik and L\xf3pez-De-Ipi\xf1a, Diego, Diego}, year = {2013}, keywords = {iescities, linked data, mobile applications, ontologies, provenance, semantic web, smart cities} }"]

[u' @inproceedings{orduna_modelling_2012, address = {Seattle, WA, USA}, title = {Modelling remote laboratories integrations in e-learning tools through remote laboratories federation protocols}, doi = {10.1109/FIE.2012.6462220}, abstract = {An educational remote laboratory is a software and hardware tool that allows students to remotely access real equipment located in the university as if they were in a hands-on-lab session. Federations of remote laboratories have existed for years: they are based on enabling two universities to exchange remote laboratories directly, without registering students of the latter on the former university. Integration of remote laboratories on Learning Management Systems (LMS) or Content Management Systems (CMS) have also been addressed in the past, enabling institutions to delegate the authentication or authorization of the experiments to the LMS/CMS. However, these integrations are usually achieved in an ad hoc way, integrating each particular laboratory to a LMS/CMS. This contribution studies the use of federation models to integrate remote laboratory management systems in LMS/CMSs, since both approaches (integrating a laboratory on an a external electronic learning tool, and integrating a laboratory on other laboratory) are essentially equivalent. The contribution defines two case studies to evaluate this approach, showing how this integration is achieved on a LMS (Moodle) and on a CMS (Joomla).}, booktitle = {Frontiers in {Education} {Conference} ({FIE}), 2012}, author = {Ordu\xf1a, Pablo and Sancristobal, Elio and Emaldi, Mikel and Castro, Manuel and L\xf3pez-de-Ipi\xf1a, Diego and Garc\xeda-Zubia, Javier}, month = oct, year = {2012}, keywords = {CMS, Federation, ISI, Interoperability, Joomla, LMS, Moodle, Software Architecture, WebLab-Deusto, gateway4labs, lms4labs}, pages = {1--6} }']

[u' @inproceedings{emaldi_short_2012, address = {Boston, MA}, series = {International {Workshop} on {Semantic} {Sensor} {Networks} 2012 ({SSN}2012)}, title = {Short {Paper}: {Semantic} {Annotations} for {Sensor} {Open} {Data}}, volume = {904}, abstract = {Since the creation of the Open Data Euskadi (ODE) initiative in 2009, one of its challenges has been the publication of government Open Data following the Linked Data principles. On the other hand, one of the challenges for the Semantic Sensor Web is the integration and fusion of data from heterogeneous sensor networks. In this short paper we present the efforts made at the Bizkaisense project on the alignment of different ontologies with the objective to fulfil these two challenges.}, booktitle = {Proc. of the 5th {International} {Workshop} on {Semantic} {Sensor} {Networks}}, publisher = {CEUR-WS}, author = {Emaldi, Mikel and L\xe1zaro, Jon and Aguilera, Unai and Pe\xf1a, Oscar and L\xf3pez de Ipi\xf1a, Diego}, year = {2012}, keywords = {bizkaisense, linked data, ontologies, open data, opendataeuskadi, python, semantic sensor networks, semantic web}, pages = {115--120} }']

[u' @incollection{emaldi_linkedqr:_2012, series = {Lecture {Notes} in {Computer} {Science}}, title = {{LinkedQR}: {Improving} {Tourism} {Experience} through {Linked} {Data} and {QR} {Codes}}, copyright = {\xa92012 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg}, isbn = {978-3-642-35376-5 978-3-642-35377-2}, shorttitle = {{LinkedQR}}, url = {http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-642-35377-2_52}, abstract = {Since Sir Tim Berners-Lee announced the best practices to publish semantic data through the Web, Linked Data principles have been introduced into a wide variety of application domains. This usage of Linked Data eases the enrichment of offered data in a grade that the semantic data that not applies the Linked Data principles never would achieve. In this paper, we present LinkedQR, a tool to improve the collaboration between QR codes and Linked Data; and a case study based on the tourism sector located into an art gallery.}, number = {7656}, urldate = {2013-09-19TZ}, booktitle = {Ubiquitous {Computing} and {Ambient} {Intelligence}}, publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg}, author = {Emaldi, Mikel and L\xe1zaro, Jon and Laiseca, Xabier and L\xf3pez-de-Ipi\xf1a, Diego}, editor = {Bravo, Jos\xe9 and L\xf3pez-de-Ipi\xf1a, Diego and Moya, Francisco}, month = jan, year = {2012}, keywords = {User Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction, android, linked data, qr, smart cities, tourism, tourspheres}, pages = {371--378} }']

[u' @article{gomez-goiri_semantic_2011, title = {A {Semantic} {Resource} {Oriented} {Middleware} for {Pervasive} {Environments}}, volume = {2011, Issue No. 1}, issn = {1684-5285}, url = {http://www.cepis.org/upgrade/media/UPGRADE_1_2011_Full1.pdf}, journal = {UPGRADE journal}, author = {G\xf3mez-Goiri, Aitor and Emaldi, Mikel and L\xf3pez-de-Ipi\xf1a, Diego}, editor = {Montoro-Manrique, Germ\xe1n and Haya-Coll, Pablo and Schnelle-Walka, Dirk}, month = feb, year = {2011}, keywords = {ISMED, jxta, semantic web, sunspot, triple space}, pages = {5--16} }']

[u' @inproceedings{emaldi_towards_2011, title = {Towards the {Integration} of a {Research} {Group} {Website} into the {Web} of {Data}}, abstract = {This work describes our efforts towards making the website of our research group, namely MORElab, comply with the principles of Linked Data. As a first attempt, we have made the information related to our research publications available in RDF. Such data is published according to the Bibliographic and Dublin Core Ontologies and interlinked with instance data of the FOAF and DBLP vocabularies. Our main contribution has been to adapt the Joomla! CMS so that it can be used for the automatic generation of the semantic metadata about publications.}, booktitle = {Tecnolog\xedas de {Linked} {Data} y sus aplicaciones en {Espa\xf1a}}, author = {Emaldi, Mikel and Buj\xe1n, David and L\xf3pez-de-Ipi\xf1a, Diego}, year = {2011}, keywords = {joomla!, linked data, ontologies, php, semantic web} }']

[u' @inproceedings{gomez-goiri_collaboration_2011, address = {Limerick, Ireland}, title = {Collaboration of sensors and actuators through {Triple} {Spaces}}, isbn = {978-1-4244-9290-9}, doi = {10.1109/ICSENS.2011.6127316}, abstract = {In recent years, projects and initiatives under Internet of Things have focused mainly on establishing connectivity in a variety of challenging and constrained networking environments. Hence, a promising next step should be to build interaction models on top of this network connectivity and thus focus on the application layer, i.e. how to achieve useful aggregated functionality out of these Internet-connected ecosystems of sensors and actuators. This work analyses the adoption of Triple Spaces coordination language by very heterogeneous and resource-constrained devices and outlines how its primitives can help to develop fully distributed and very decoupled scenarios.}, language = {English}, booktitle = {2011 {IEEE} {Sensors}}, publisher = {IEEE}, author = {G\xf3mez-Goiri, Aitor and Ordu\xf1a, Pablo and Ausin, David and Emaldi, Mikel and Lopez-de-Ipina, Diego}, month = oct, year = {2011}, keywords = {Actuators, ISI, Internet, Internet of Things, Libraries, Resource description framework, Semantics, Sensors, Simple object access protocol, Temperature measurement, application layer, java, network connectivity, triple spaces coordination language}, pages = {651--654} }']

[u' @article{gomez-goiri_middleware_2011, title = {Middleware {Sem\xe1ntico} {Orientado} a {Recursos} para {Entornos} {Ubicuos}}, issn = {0211-2124}, number = {209}, journal = {Novatica journal}, author = {G\xf3mez-Goiri, Aitor and Emaldi, Mikel and L\xf3pez-de-Ipi\xf1a, Diego}, month = feb, year = {2011}, keywords = {ISMED, jxta, semantic web, sunspot, triple space}, pages = {9--16} }']