RDF description Unai Hernández-Jayo

?  -  Present

[u' @inproceedings{garcia-loro_pilar:_2019, address = {Dubai}, title = {{PILAR}: {Sharing} {VISIR} {Remote} {Labs} through a {Federation}}, shorttitle = {{PILAR}: {Sharing} {VISIR} {Remote} {Labs} through a {Federation}}, booktitle = {{EDUCON} 2019}, author = {Garcia-Loro, Felix and Sancristobal, Elio and Diaz, Gabriel and Castro, Manuel and Ordu\xf1a, Pablo and Kulesza, Wlodek and Nilsson, Kristian and Fidalgo, Andre and Alves, Gustavo and Hernandez-Jayo, Unai and Garcia-Zubia, Javier and Kreiter, Christian and Pester, Andreas and Auer, Michael and Garcia, Carla and Tavio, Ricardo and Valtonen, Kati and Lehtikangas, Elina}, month = apr, year = {2019} }']

[u' @inproceedings{orduna_weblablib:_2019, address = {Bangalore, India}, title = {weblablib: new approach for creating remote laboratories}, abstract = {Remote laboratories are hardware and software tools that enable students to access real equipment through the Internet. Remote Laboratory Management Systems (RLMS) are software tools developed for creating remote laboratories in an easier way, providing some of the transversal features common in most remote labs (such as authentica- tion, authorization, scheduling platforms or administration tools), and some protocols or APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) for cre- ating the laboratories. WebLab-Deusto is a popular open source RLMS used in different universities to create or administer their remote labo- ratories; and it offers two approaches for developing remote laboratories: managed (where all the communications go through WebLab-Deusto) and unmanaged (where the communications are managed by the remote lab developer). While originally the managed approach had a number of advantages over the unmanaged, nowadays, with web development tech- nologies fastly changing and increasing productivity, it became important to provide a proper support for the unmanaged by creating a completely new framework called weblablib, developed by LabsLand and also Open Source. This article describes this framework, and the different trade- offs that remote lab developers have to deal with when implementing a remote laboratory.}, author = {Ordu\xf1a, Pablo and Rodriguez-Gil, Luis and Angulo, Ignacio and Hernandez, Unai and Villar-Martinez, Aitor and Garcia-Zubia, Javier}, month = feb, year = {2019} }']

[u' @inproceedings{garcia-loro_pilar:_2018, title = {{PILAR}: a {Federation} of {VISIR} {Remote} {Laboratory} {Systems} for {Educational} {Open} {Activities}}, shorttitle = {{PILAR}}, doi = {10.1109/TALE.2018.8615277}, abstract = {Social demands have promoted an educational approach based on an \u201canywhere and anytime\u201d premise. Remote laboratories have emerged as the answer to the demands of technical educational areas for adapting themselves to this scenario. The result has not only benefit distance learning students but has provided new learning scenarios both for teachers and students as well as allowing a flexible approach to experimental topics. However, as any other solution for providing practical scenarios (hands-on labs, virtual labs or simulators), remote labs face several constraints inherited from the subsystems of its deployment - hardware (real instruments, equipment and scenario) and software (analog/digital conversions, communications, workbenches, etc.)-. This paper describes the Erasmus+ project Platform Integration of Laboratories based on the Architecture of visiR (PILAR) which deals with several units of the federation installed in different educational institutions and devoted to analog electronics and electrical circuits. Based on the limitations of remote labs, the need for the federation will be justified and its benefits will be described by taking advantage of its strengths. The challenges that have come up during the different stages and the different approaches to design are also going to be described and analyzed.}, booktitle = {2018 {IEEE} {International} {Conference} on {Teaching}, {Assessment}, and {Learning} for {Engineering} ({TALE})}, author = {Garcia-Loro, Felix and Sancristobal, Elio and Diaz, Gabriel and Macho, A. and Baizan, Pablo and Blazquez, Manuel and Castro, Manuel and Plaza, Pedro and Ordu\xf1a, Pablo and Auer, Michael and Kulesza, W. and Gustavsson, Ingvar and Nilsson, Kristian and Fidalgo, Andre and Alves, Gustavo and Marques, A. and Hernandez-Jayo, Unai and Garcia-Zubia, Javier and Kreiter, Christian and Pester, Andreas and Garcia-Hernandez, C. and Tavio, R. and Valtonen, K. and Lehtikangas, E.}, month = dec, year = {2018}, keywords = {Distance learning, Education, Federation, Instruments, PILAR, Relays, Software, Switches, VISIR, VISIR remote laboratory systems, analog electronics, analog-digital conversions, computer aided instruction, distance learning students, educational approach, educational institutions, educational open activities, electronics, experimental topics, flexible approach, hands-on labs, laboratories, laboratory, learning scenarios, practical scenarios, remote lab, remote laboratories, remote labs, social demands, technical educational areas, virtual labs}, pages = {134--141} }']

[u' @inproceedings{orduna_addressing_2018, address = {San Jose, USA}, title = {Addressing technical and organizational pitfalls of using remote laboratories in a commercial environment}, abstract = {A remote laboratory is a hardware and software solution that enables students to interact with real equipment located somewhere else on the internet. This way, students interact with a real laboratory as if they were on a hands-on- lab session. Once the equipment is remote, it is also possible to share it among institutions, so students from one school or university can access a lab in another university. While there is an interest by many universities of sharing their laboratories, and there are several experiences doing so, the impact has been typically limited. One of the reasons for the limited impact is the lack of robustness in most solutions due to technical issues, which leads to a lack of trust and interest by the potential consumers. LabsLand is a spin-off of the WebLab-Deusto research group which sells access to laboratories of universities to other schools and universities. This contribution analyzes through use cases what are the technical and organizational pitfalls that were found in the process of taking real laboratories and making them available commercially and what are the solutions used to tackle the issues arisen.}, author = {Orduna, Pablo and Rodriguez-Gil, Luis and Angulo, Ignacio and Martinez-Pieper, Gabriel and Villar, Aitor and Hernandez-Jayo, Unai and Buitrago, Paola and Camacho, Raul and Marmolejo, Paola and Garcia-Zubia, Javier}, month = oct, year = {2018} }']

[u' @inproceedings{garcia-zubia_web_2018, series = {Lecture {Notes} in {Networks} and {Systems}}, title = {Web {Tool} for {Designing} and {Testing} of {Digital} {Circuits} {Within} a {Remote} {Laboratory}}, isbn = {978-3-319-95678-7}, shorttitle = {Demonstration}, abstract = {The tool named WebLab-Boole-Deusto allows users to design and implement a bit-level combinational digital circuit. This tool helps students during the design process step by step: truth table, K-maps, Boolean minimization, Boolean expressions, and digital circuit. Also, students can access a remote lab for implementing and testing the system designed by themselves. The remote lab is FPGA-based and it is included in the WebLab-Deusto RMLS (Remote Lab Management System). WebLab-Boole-Deusto is a web tool. Users access a web page instead of installing software on their computer (desktop application). This feature promotes its dissemination to universities and training centers.}, language = {en}, booktitle = {Smart {Industry} \\& {Smart} {Education}}, publisher = {Springer International Publishing}, author = {Garcia-Zubia, Javier and Cruz, Eneko and Rodriguez-Gil, Luis and Angulo, Ignacio and Ordu\xf1a, Pablo and Hernandez, Unai}, year = {2018}, keywords = {digital electronics, remote laboratory}, pages = {290--297} }']

[u' @incollection{orduna_weblab-deusto_2018, address = {Cham}, title = {The {WebLab}-{Deusto} {Remote} {Laboratory} {Management} {System} {Architecture}: {Achieving} {Scalability}, {Interoperability}, and {Federation} of {Remote} {Experimentation}}, isbn = {978-3-319-76935-6}, shorttitle = {The {WebLab}-{Deusto} {Remote} {Laboratory} {Management} {System} {Architecture}}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-76935-6_2}, abstract = {WebLab-Deusto is an open-source Remote Laboratory Management System (RLMS). On top of it, one can develop and manage remote laboratories and share them with other institutions. This chapter describes the architecture and features of the system, as well as a nontechnical view of other aspects such as how to share laboratories in the context of WebLab-Deusto, different institutions using WebLab-Deusto for their remote laboratories, research projects where it has been used, and sustainability plans.}, language = {en}, booktitle = {Cyber-{Physical} {Laboratories} in {Engineering} and {Science} {Education}}, publisher = {Springer International Publishing}, author = {Ordu\xf1a, Pablo and Garcia-Zubia, Javier and Rodriguez-Gil, Luis and Angulo, Ignacio and Hernandez-Jayo, Unai and Dziabenko, Olga and L\xf3pez-de-Ipi\xf1a, Diego}, editor = {Auer, Michael E. and Azad, Abul K.M. and Edwards, Arthur and de Jong, Ton}, year = {2018}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-76935-6_2}, keywords = {Online education, remote laboratories, remote laboratory management systems}, pages = {17--42} }']

[u" @inproceedings{angulo_roboblock:_2017, title = {{RoboBlock}: {A} remote lab for robotics and visual programming}, shorttitle = {{RoboBlock}}, doi = {10.1109/EXPAT.2017.7984373}, abstract = {Robotics is part of K12 curricula in different subjects and countries because it is exciting and formative. To teach, the teacher and the school need a laboratory with robots, and this is a challenge because they are not cheap and they need to be maintained. In this scenario the use of a remote lab for robotics is a good solution. There are several remote labs for robotics, the main advantage of RoboBlock is that it offers in the same interface the robot and a visual tool based on Blockly to program the robot.}, booktitle = {2017 4th {Experiment}@{International} {Conference} (exp.at'17)}, author = {Angulo, Ignacio and Garcia-Zubia, Javier and Hernandez-Jayo, Unai and Uriarte, I\xf1igo and Rodriguez-Gil, Luis and Ordu\xf1a, Pablo and Mart\xednez-Pieper, Gabriel}, month = jun, year = {2017}, keywords = {Blockly, Hardware, K12 curricula, Programming profession, RoboBlock, Robot sensing systems, Tools, Visualization, educational robots, remote lab, remote labs, robot programming, robotics, visual programming, visual tool}, pages = {109--110} }"]

[u" @article{garcia-zubia_empirical_2017, title = {Empirical {Analysis} of the {Use} of the {VISIR} {Remote} {Lab} in {Teaching} {Analog} {Electronics}}, volume = {60}, issn = {0018-9359}, doi = {10.1109/TE.2016.2608790}, abstract = {Remote laboratories give students the opportunity of experimenting in STEM by using the Internet to control and measure an experimental setting. Remote laboratories are increasingly used in the classroom to complement, or substitute for, hands-on laboratories, so it is important to know its learning value. While many authors approach this question through qualitative analyses, this paper reports a replicated quantitative study that evaluates the teaching performance of one of these resources, the virtual instrument systems in reality (VISIR) remote laboratory. VISIR, described here, is the most popular remote laboratory for basic analog electronics. This paper hypothesizes that use of a remote laboratory has a positive effect on students' learning process. This report analyzes the effect of the use of VISIR in five different groups of students from two different academic years (2013-2014 and 2014-2015), with three teachers and at two educational levels. The empirical experience focuses on Ohm's Law. The results obtained are reported using a pretest and post-test design. The tests were carefully designed and analyzed, and their reliability and validity were assessed. The analysis of knowledge test question results shows that the post-test scores are higher that the pretest. The difference is significant according to Wilcoxon test (p {\\textless} 0.001), and produces a Cohen effect size of 1.0. The VISIR remote laboratory's positive effect on students' learning processes indicates that remote laboratories can produce a positive effect in students' learning if an appropriate activity is used.}, number = {2}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Education}, author = {Garc\xeda-Zubia, Javier and Cuadros, Jordi and Romero, Susana and Hern\xe1ndez, Unai and Ordu\xf1a, Pablo and Guenaga, Mariluz and Gonzalez-Sabate, Lucinio and Gustavsson, Ingvar}, month = may, year = {2017}, note = {00000}, keywords = {Data analysis, JCR, Q2, Remote Laboratories, VISIR, e-Learning, jcr1.330}, pages = {149--156} }"]

[u' @inproceedings{garcia-zubia_learning_2017, address = {New York, NY, USA}, title = {Learning to program in {K}12 using a remote controlled robot: {RoboBlock}}, abstract = {Programming is part of the curricula in different subjects and countries. To face this challenge, schools are using visual programming (e.g., Scratch, Blockly) and/or educational robots. Some combinations of these two tools are very popular, such as the Lego Mindstorm robots. This work presents a remote controlled robot called RoboBlock, and its main characteristic is that it can be programmed and controlled via Internet. RoboBlock is developed under the WebLab-Deusto Remote Laboratory Management System}, booktitle = {Proceedings of conference: 2017 14th {International} {Conference} on {Remote} {Engineering} and {Virtual} {Instrumentation} ({REV})}, author = {Garcia-Zubia, Javier and Angulo, Ignacio and Mart\xednez-Pieper, Gabriel and Ordu\xf1a, Pablo and Rodriguez-Gil, Luis and Hernandez, Unai}, year = {2017} }']

[u' @inproceedings{orduna_increasing_2017, address = {New York, NY, USA}, title = {Increasing the value of {Remote} {Laboratory} federations through an open sharing platform: {LabsLand}}, abstract = {A remote laboratory is a software and hardware tool that enables students to access real equipment located somewhere else through the Internet. This equipment is usually located in universities, schools or research centers. During the last couple of decades, different initiatives have emerged dealing with the development and management of remote laboratories, their integration in learning management systems or their sharing. This last point is particularly relevant, since remote labs are a clear example of excess capacity: since they are usually used only some hours a day, some weeks a year, they could be shared among institutions to reduce costs or to increase the offer of experiential learning. However, despite this fact, the overall impact of these laboratories is fairly limited beyond the scope of the host institution or the scope (and duration) of projects in which the host institution is involved. The focus of this contribution is to outline a set of potential reasons for this fact, and solutions that are being developed to tackle them. After over 10 years working on the area, the WebLab-Deusto research group has started a spin-off focused on this topic, called LabsLand. A key factor of this spin-off is to provide a platform similar to other sharing economy marketplaces, aiming to provide features commonly ignored in the remote laboratories literature such as trust, accurate reliability or different pricing schemes for different scenarios; as well as the laboratories that are being initially provided.}, author = {Ordu\xf1a, Pablo and Rodriguez-Gil, Luis and Garcia-Zubia, Javier and Angulo, Ignacio and Hernandez-Jayo, Unai and Azcuenaga, Esteban}, month = mar, year = {2017}, keywords = {ISI, Remote Laboratories, WebLab-Deusto} }']

[u' @inproceedings{orduna_classifying_2016, title = {Classifying online laboratories: {Reality}, simulation, user perception and potential overlaps}, shorttitle = {Classifying online laboratories}, doi = {10.1109/REV.2016.7444469}, abstract = {Students of technological fields must practice so as to properly learn a particular field. There are different ways to practice: hands-on-lab in a real environment or a mockup, datasets (and tools for analyzing these datasets), or simulations. Each solution provides different advantages and disadvantages. For example, students might not prefer simulations since they do not always provide accurate real values (and when testing in a real laboratory results differ and the engagement might be higher), but they might be more affordable than real laboratories (depending on the field, there might not be any other affordable solution than a simulation). Datasets of recorded measurements are an equidistant point, where costs are lower and data is real, but no interaction is performed by the users with the reality. When creating remote laboratories, a system that enables students access the final equipment is usually used, but this might not be the best option. Sometimes, every potential input could be recorded and used in the future as a dataset to let users access this laboratory in a scalable way, and hybrid solutions could also be achieved. The focus of this contribution is to classify online laboratories from this perspective.}, booktitle = {2016 13th {International} {Conference} on {Remote} {Engineering} and {Virtual} {Instrumentation} ({REV})}, author = {Ordu\xf1a, Pablo and Rodriguez-Gil, Luis and Garcia-Zubia, Javier and Dziabenko, Olga and Angulo, Ignacio and Hernandez, Unai and Azcuenaga, Esteban}, month = feb, year = {2016}, keywords = {Data models, ISI, Internet, Maintenance engineering, Physics, Robots, hands-on-lab, online laboratories, potential overlaps, real environment, reality, remote laboratories, simulation, user perception, virtual instrumentation}, pages = {224--230} }']

[u" @inproceedings{garcia-zubia_archimedes_2015, address = {Azores, Portugal}, title = {Archimedes remote lab for secondary schools}, doi = {10.1109/EXPAT.2015.7463215}, abstract = {This paper presents a remote lab designed for teaching the Archimedes' principle to secondary school students, as well as an online virtual lab on the general domain of buoyancy. The Archimedes remote lab is integrated into WebLab-Deusto. Both labs are promoted for usage in frame of the Go-Lab European project.}, booktitle = {2015 3rd {Experiment} {International} {Conference} (exp.at'15)}, author = {Garc\xeda-Zub\xeda, Javier and Angulo, Ignacio and Mart\xednez-Pieper, Gabriel and L\xf3pez-De-Ipi\xf1a, Diego and Hern\xe1ndez, Unai and Ordu\xf1a, Pablo and Dziabenko, Olga and Rodr\xedguez-Gil, Luis and Riesen, S. A. N. van and Anjewierden, Anjo and Kamp, E. T. and de Jong, Ton}, month = jun, year = {2015}, note = {00000}, keywords = {Archimedes remote lab, Archimedes' principle, Buoyancy, Engineering education, Go-Lab, Remote Laboratories, Secondary Schools, WebLab-Deusto}, pages = {60--64} }"]

[u' @inproceedings{garcia-zubia_experiencia_2014, address = {Bilbao, Spain}, title = {Experiencia de {Uso} y {Evaluaci\xf3n} de {VISIR} en {Electr\xf3nica} {Anal\xf3gica}}, isbn = {978-84-697-0350-2}, author = {Garc\xeda-Zub\xeda, Javier and Romero, Susana and Cuadros, Jordi and G\xfcenaga, MLuz and Ordu\xf1a, Pablo and Dziabenko, Olga and Angulo, Ignacio and Rodriguez-Gil, Luis and Gonzalez, Lucinio and Hern\xe1ndez, Unai}, month = jun, year = {2014}, note = {00000} }']

[u' @inproceedings{garcia-zubia_prototipado_2014, address = {Bilbao, Spain}, title = {Prototipado {R\xe1pido} de {Sistemas} {Digitales} usando {Boole}-{Deusto} y {WebLab}-{Deusto}}, isbn = {978-84-697-0350-2}, author = {Garc\xeda-Zub\xeda, Javier and Rodriguez-Gil, Luis and Angulo, Ignacio and Dziabenko, Olga and Ordu\xf1a, Pablo and Asunci\xf3n, I\xf1aki and Hern\xe1ndez, Unai}, month = jun, year = {2014}, note = {00000}, keywords = {Boole-Deusto, Boole-WebLab-Deusto, FPGA, WebLab-Deusto} }']

[u' @inproceedings{orduna_towards_2014, address = {Porto, Portugal}, title = {Towards a {microRLMS} approach for shared development of remote laboratories}, doi = {10.1109/REV.2014.6784192}, abstract = {Educational remote laboratories are a software and hardware tool that allows students to remotely access real equipment located in universities as if they were in a handson-lab session. They have been used for almost two decades. And most remote labs use at least a subset of the following features: authentication (verifying who is the user), authorization (granting permissions to laboatories), scheduling (usually a queue or a calendar), user tracking (registering students activities), federation or administrative tools. Systems that provided these features in a uni\ufb01ed approach arose, called Remote Laboratory Management Systems (RLMSs). RLMS provide toolkits for making the development of remote labs easier: a remote lab developer uses one of these toolkits and all the features are automatically inherited. Furthermore, new versions of the same RLMS will provide new features. However, sometimes these RLMS do not allow remote lab developers to consume only certain features, implementing the rest themselves. This is a problem when integrating external laboratories, and increments the learning curve. The focus of this contribution is to describe a lighter approach based on multiple coupled small optional services called microRLMS.}, booktitle = {2014 10th {International} {Conference} on {Remote} {Engineering} and {Virtual} {Instrumentation} ({REV})}, author = {Ordu\xf1a, Pablo and Rodriguez-Gil, Luis and Angulo, Ignacio and Dziabenko, Olga and Hernandez-Jayo, Unai and L\xf3pez-De-Ipi\xf1a, Diego and Garc\xeda-Zub\xeda, Javier}, month = feb, year = {2014}, note = {00000}, keywords = {Federation, RLMS, Remote Laboratories, Software Architecture, WebLab-Deusto, iLab Shared Architecture}, pages = {375--381} }']

[u' @inproceedings{garcia-zubia_integrated_2013, title = {An integrated solution for basics digital electronics: {Boole}-{DEUSTO} and {WebLab}-{DEUSTO}}, url = {http://www.weblab.deusto.es/web/images/publications/rev2013_booledeusto.pdf}, booktitle = {Remote {Engineering} and {Virtual} {Instrumentation} ({REV}), 2013 10th {International} {Conference} on}, publisher = {IEEE}, author = {Garcia-Zubia, Javier and Rodriguez-Gil, Luis and Orduna, Pablo and Angulo, Ignacio and Hernandez-Jayo, Unai and Dziabenko, Olga and Guenaga, Mariluz and Artiach, Ramon}, month = feb, year = {2013}, keywords = {Boole-Deusto, Boole-WebLab-Deusto, Remote Laboratories, WebLab-Deusto}, pages = {1--5} }']

[u' @article{garcia-zubia_weblab-deusto-cpld:_2012, title = {{WebLab}-{Deusto}-{CPLD}: {Practical} {Experience}}, volume = {8}, number = {S1}, journal = {International Journal of Online Engineering (iJOE)}, author = {Garcia-Zubia, Javier and Angulo, Ignacio and Ordu\xf1a, Pablo and Hernandez, Unai and Lopez-de-Ipina, Diego and Rodriguez, Luis and Dziabenko, Olga and Canivell, Veronica}, year = {2012}, keywords = {CPLD, Remote Laboratories, WebLab-Box, WebLab-Deusto}, pages = {pp--17} }']

[u' @article{tawfik_visir:_2012, title = {{VISIR}: {Experiences} and {Challenges}}, volume = {8}, number = {1}, journal = {iJOE}, author = {Tawfik, Mohamed and San Crist\xf3bal, Elio and Martin, Sergio and Gil, Charo and Pesquera, Alberto and Losada, Pablo and Diaz, Gabriel and Peire, Juan and Castro, Manuel and Zub\xeda, Javier Garc\xeda and Hern\xe1ndez, Unai and Ordu\xf1a, Pablo and Angulo, Ignacio and Costa-Lobo, Maria and Marques, Arcelina and Alves, Gustavo}, year = {2012}, keywords = {Remote Laboratories, VISIR, e-Learning}, pages = {25--32} }']

[u' @article{garcia-zubia_using_2011, title = {Using {VISIR}: {Experiments}, subjects and students}, volume = {7}, issn = {1861-2121}, number = {S2}, journal = {International Journal of Online Engineering}, author = {Garcia-Zubia, Javier and Gustavsson, Ingvar and Hernandez-Jayo, Unai and Orduna, Pablo and Angulo, Ignacio and Rodriguez, Luis and Lopez-de-Ipina, Diego}, year = {2011}, keywords = {Remote Laboratories, Survey, VISIR}, pages = {11--14} }']

[u' @inproceedings{garcia-zubia_using_2011, address = {Brasov, Romania}, title = {Using {VISIR} at the {University} of {Deusto}: experiments, subjects and students}, isbn = {978-3-8958-555-1}, author = {Garcia-Zubia, Javier and Gustavsson, Ingvar and Ordu\xf1a, Pablo and Lopez-de-Ipi\xf1a, Diego and Hern\xe1ndez, Unai and Angulo, Ignacio and Dziabenko, Olga and Rodriguez-Gil, Luis}, month = jun, year = {2011}, keywords = {Electronics, Remote Laboratories, Survey, VISIR}, pages = {244--247} }']

[u' @inproceedings{tawfik_visir_2011, address = {Rapid City, South Dakota, USA}, title = {{VISIR} deployment in undergraduate engineering practices}, doi = {10.1109/FIE.2011.6143133}, abstract = {Practical sessions are the backbone of qualification in engineering education. It leads to a better understanding and allows mastering scientific concepts and theories. The lack of the availability of practical sessions at many universities and institutions owing to the cost and the unavailability of instructors the most of the time caused a significant decline in experimentation in engineering education over the last decades. Recently, with the progress of computer-based learning, remote laboratories have been proven to be the best alternative to the traditional ones, regarding to its low cost and ubiquity. Some universities have already started to deploy remote labs in their practical sessions. This contribution compiles diverse experiences based on the deployment of the remote laboratory, Virtual Instrument Systems in Reality (VISIR), on the practices of undergraduate engineering grades at various universities within the VISIR community. It aims to show the impact of its usage on engineering education concerning the assessments of students and teachers as well.}, booktitle = {Frontiers in {Education} {Conference} ({FIE}), 2011}, author = {Tawfik, Mohamed and Sancristobal, Elio and Martin, Sergio and Gil, Rosario and Pesquera, Alberto and Losada, Pablo and D\xedaz, Gabriel and Peire, Juan and Castro, Manuel and Garcia-Zubia, Javier and Hernandez, Unai and Ordu\xf1a, Pablo and Angulo, Ignacio and Costa-Lobo, Maria and Marques, Arcelina and Viegas, Maria Clara and Alves, Gustavo}, year = {2011}, keywords = {Electronics, ISI, Remote Laboratories, VISIR}, pages = {T1A--1--T1A--7} }']

[u' @inproceedings{garcia-zubia_weblab-deusto-cpld:_2011, address = {Lisbon, Portugal}, title = {{WebLab}-{Deusto}-{CPLD}: {A} {Practical} {Experience}}, isbn = {978-3-89958-278-9}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1st {Experiment}@ {International} {Conference} exp.at2011}, author = {Garc\xeda-Zub\xeda, Javier and Ordu\xf1a, Pablo and Hern\xe1ndez, Unai and Angulo, Ignacio and Dziabenko, Olga and Rodriguez-Gil, Luis and L\xf3pez-de-Ipi\xf1a, Diego}, month = nov, year = {2011}, keywords = {CPLD, Remote Laboratories, Survey, WebLab-Deusto} }']

[u' @inproceedings{garcia-zubia_application_2011, title = {Application and user perceptions of using the {WebLab}-{Deusto}-{PLD} in technical education}, doi = {10.1109/FIE.2011.6143127}, abstract = {The paper shows the results of an integration of the remote laboratory WebLab-Deusto-PLD at the "Programmable Logic" course of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Deusto (Spain). Presented herein is a technical overview of the laboratory, a description of access to it, and an analysis of the user experience derived from conducted surveys since 2004. The surveys\' analysis shows a correlation between two advantages of the remote experimentation: efficiency/usefulness and immersion/control. The prospective work includes an improving the WebLab-Deusto usability, an extension of the capabilities of the overall system and further its implementation in curricula.}, booktitle = {Frontiers in {Education} {Conference} ({FIE}), 2011}, author = {Garcia-Zubia, Javier and Ordu\xf1a, Pablo and Angulo, Ignacio and Hernandez, Unai and Dziabenko, Olga and L\xf3pez-de-Ipi\xf1a, Diego and Rodriguez-Gil, Luis}, month = oct, year = {2011}, keywords = {CPLD, ISI, Learning Analytics, Survey, WebLab-Deusto}, pages = {GOLC1--1--GOLC1--6} }']

[u' @inproceedings{garcia-zubia_proyecto_2010, address = {Madrid, Spain}, title = {El proyecto {VISIR} en la universidad de {Deusto}: laboratorio remoto para electr\xf3nica b\xe1sica}, isbn = {978-84-96737-68-6}, author = {Garcia-Zubia, Javier and Ru\xedz de Garibay, Jonathan and Hern\xe1ndez, Unai and Gustavsson, Ingvar and Angulo, Ignacio and Ordu\xf1a, Pablo}, year = {2010}, keywords = {Electronics, Remote Laboratories, VISIR}, pages = {653--664} }']

[u' @inproceedings{garcia-zubia_developing_2010, address = {Stockholm, Sweden}, title = {Developing a {Second}-{Life}-based {Remote} {Lab} over the {WebLab}-{Deusto} architecture}, abstract = {Remote Labs didactic worth can be very supported using them to solve pressing educational problems. The contrasted lack of interest from young students for Engineering is a growing problem today for the Universities that will affect the global economies in the future. Awakening bachelor\u2019s interest for Science and Engineering is a possible way to restrain this tendency. Since different researches prove that the higher is the sense of presence in the environment the more effective becomes the learning process, using Remote Labs from highly immersive environments can be considered a promising idea. Following this educational aim, the present work covers the technical development of SecondLab, an experimental Remote Lab built over the WebLab-Deusto architecture and the popular 3D-based virtual environment Second Life.}, author = {Garc\xeda-Zubia, Javier and Irurzun, Jaime and Angulo, Ignacio and Ordu\xf1a, Pablo and Ruiz-de-Garibay, Jonathan and Hernandez, Unai and Castro, Manuel}, year = {2010}, keywords = {Remote Laboratories, Second Life, WebLab-Deusto, e-Learning}, pages = {41--47} }']

[u' @inproceedings{garcia-zubia_one_2010, address = {Stockholm, Sweden}, title = {One {Lesson} from {TARET}: what is expected from a remote lab?}, isbn = {978-3-89958-540-7}, author = {Garcia-Zubia, Javier and Pester, Andreas and Ordu\xf1a, Pablo and Irurzun, Jaime and Gonz\xe1lez, Jose Maria and Angulo, Ignacio and Hern\xe1ndez, Unai and Rodriguez-Gil, Luis}, year = {2010}, keywords = {Remote Laboratories}, pages = {34--38} }']

[u' @inproceedings{garcia-zubia_secondlab:_2010, title = {{SecondLab}: {A} remote laboratory under {Second} {Life}}, shorttitle = {{SecondLab}}, doi = {10.1109/EDUCON.2010.5492556}, abstract = {The present work describes the implementation of a new remote lab, SecondLab, that allows students to control a microbot from Second Life. SecondLab works over WebLab-Deusto, the remote lab of the University of Deusto, giving the students the chance to work with real experiments from a social 3D-based immersive environment. This approach places the remote lab closer to the students, trying this way to increase their motivation to study science and engineering.}, booktitle = {2010 {IEEE} {Education} {Engineering} ({EDUCON})}, author = {Garc\xeda-Zubia, Javier and Irurzun, Jaime and Angulo, Ignacio and Hernandez, Unai and Castro, Manuel and Sancristobal, Elio and Ordu\xf1a, Pablo and Ruiz-De-Garibay, Jonathan}, year = {2010}, keywords = {Computer architecture, Distance learning, E-Learning, Remote Laboratories, Second Life, WebLab-Deusto, computer aided instruction, remote laboratories}, pages = {351--356} }']

[u' @inproceedings{garcia-zubia_easily_2010, title = {Easily {Integrable} platform for the deployment of a {Remote} {Laboratory} for microcontrollers}, doi = {10.1109/EDUCON.2010.5492558}, abstract = {Remote laboratories are the natural solution in order to perform real experimentation under e-learning tools. Nevertheless these tools are the result of the research developed by the universities to cover their own needs without having in consideration the deployment of this technology by other institutions. This paper presents a hw prototype for a Remote Lab for microcontrollers that tries to solve these problems contributing new possibilities from the commercial and professional point of view.}, booktitle = {2010 {IEEE} {Education} {Engineering} ({EDUCON})}, author = {Garcia-Zubia, Javier and Angulo, Ignacio and Hern\xe1ndez, Unai and Castro, Manuel and Sancristobal, Elio and Ordu\xf1a, Pablo and Irurzun, Jaime and Ruiz de Garibay, Jonathan}, year = {2010}, keywords = {Autonomous Laboratory, PIC, Remote Laboratories, WebLab-Box}, pages = {327--334} }']

[u" @article{garcia-zubia_students_2009, title = {Students' review of acceptance, usability and usefulness of {WebLab}-{Deusto}}, volume = {7}, issn = {0972-7272}, number = {3}, journal = {Journal of Digital Information Management}, author = {Garcia-Zubia, Javier and Ordu\xf1a, Pablo and Hern\xe1ndez, Unai and Angulo, Ignacio and Irurzun, Jaime}, year = {2009}, keywords = {DBLP, Survey, WebLab-Deusto} }"]

[u' @article{garcia-zubia_acceptance_2009, title = {Acceptance, {Usability} and {Usefulness} of {WebLab}-{Deusto} from the {Students} {Point} of {View}}, volume = {5}, number = {1}, journal = {International Journal of Online Engineering (iJOE)}, author = {Garcia-Zubia, Javier and Hern\xe1ndez, Unai and Angulo, Ignacio and Ordu\xf1a, Pablo and Irurzun, Jaime}, year = {2009}, keywords = {DBLP, Remote Laboratories, Survey, WebLab-Deusto} }']

[u" @inproceedings{garcia-zubia_towards_2009, address = {Porto, Portugal}, title = {Towards an extensible weblab architecture}, doi = {10.1109/ICELIE.2009.5413199}, abstract = {Remote Laboratories have traditionally been focused on specific solutions for specific problems. We can find a wide range of Remote Laboratories in the literature, assisting different types of subjects but commonly bound to a restricted set of requirements. Due to this, little attention has been paid on working on a maintainable, scalable, secure architecture that addresses the requirements of a wider set of experiments, and that could be open enough to support or adopt new experiments, developed using different technologies in both client and server side. In this paper, we describe several aspects that might be taken into account when designing Remote Laboratories, describing the XWL Architecture and comparing it with other existing architectures.}, booktitle = {3rd {IEEE} {International} {Conference} on {E}-{Learning} in {Industrial} {Electronics}, 2009. {ICELIE} '09}, author = {Garc\xeda-Zubia, Javier and Ordu\xf1a, Pablo and Irurzun, Jaime and Hern\xe1ndez, Unai and Sancristobal, Elio and Mart\xedn, Sergio and Castro, Manuel and L\xf3pez-de-Ipi\xf1a, Diego and Angulo, Ignacio}, year = {2009}, keywords = {ISI, Remote Laboratories, Software Architecture, WebLab-Deusto, distributed systems}, pages = {115--120} }"]

[u' @inproceedings{orduna_designing_2009, address = {Bridgeport, CT, USA}, title = {Designing experiment agnostic remote laboratories}, isbn = {978-3-89958-480-6}, booktitle = {Remote {Engineering} and {Virtual} {Instrumentation}}, author = {Ordu\xf1a, Pablo and Garc\xeda-Zubia, Javier and Irurzun, Jaime and Sancristobal, Elio and Mart\xedn, Sergio and Castro, Manuel and L\xf3pez-de-Ipi\xf1a, Diego and Hern\xe1ndez, Unai and Angulo, Ignacio and Gonz\xe1lez, Jose Maria}, year = {2009}, keywords = {Remote Laboratories, Software Architecture, WebLab-Deusto, distributed systems} }']

[u' @inproceedings{garcia-zubia_integracion_2009, address = {Bilbao, Spain}, title = {Integraci\xf3n del laboratorio remoto {WebLab}-{Deusto} en {Moodle}"}, booktitle = {{MoodleMoot} {Euskadi} 2009}, author = {Garc\xeda-Zubia, Javier and Ordu\xf1a, Pablo and Irurzun, Jaime and Angulo, Ignacio and Hern\xe1ndez, Unai}, year = {2009}, keywords = {LMS, Moodle, Software Architecture, WebLab-Deusto} }']

[u' @inproceedings{garcia-zubia_low_2008, address = {Dusseldorf, Germany}, title = {Low {Cost} {Remote} {Lab} for {Microcontrollers}: {WebLab}-{DEUSTO}-{PIC}}, author = {Garc\xeda-Zubia, Javier and Angulo, Ignacio and Hern\xe1ndez, Unai and Ordu\xf1a, Pablo}, year = {2008}, keywords = {PIC, Remote Laboratories, WebLab-Box, low cost platform} }']

[u' @inproceedings{garcia-zubia_towards_2008, address = {Dusseldorf, Germany}, title = {Towards a {Distributed} {Architecture} for {Remote} {Laboratories}}, author = {Garcia-Zubia, Javier and Ordu\xf1a, Pablo and Angulo, Ignacio and Irurzun, Jaime and Hernandez, Unai}, year = {2008}, keywords = {Remote Laboratories, Software Architecture, WebLab-Deusto, distributed systems} }']

[u' @inproceedings{garcia-zubia_plug&play_2008, address = {Budapest, Hungary}, title = {Plug\\&{Play} remote lab for microcontrollers: {WebLab}-{DEUSTO}-{PIC}}, booktitle = {7th {European} {Workshop} on {Microelectronics} {Education} {May}}, author = {Garc\xeda-Zubia, Javier and Angulo, Ignacio and Hern\xe1ndez, Unai and Ordu\xf1a, Pablo}, year = {2008}, keywords = {Autonomous Laboratory, PIC, Remote Laboratories, WebLab-Deusto}, pages = {28--30} }']

[u' @inproceedings{garcia-zubia_acceptance_2008, address = {London, United Kingdom}, title = {Acceptance, usability and usefulness of {WebLab}-{Deusto} from students point of view}, doi = {10.1109/ICDIM.2008.4746846}, abstract = {In the engineering curriculum, remote labs are becoming a popular learning tool. The advantages of these laboratories and the different deployments have been analyzed many times, but in this paper we want to show the results of the evaluation of WebLab-Deusto as a learning tool. This work is focused on the subjects programmable logic (PL) in the third year of Automation and Electronics Engineering and in Electronics Design (ED) of the fifth year of the same degree. The paper presents the results of the surveys done by students since 2004. This survey consists of fifteen questions and its main objective is to measure the acceptance, usability and usefulness of the remote laboratory developed at University of Deusto.}, booktitle = {Third {International} {Conference} on {Digital} {Information} {Management}, 2008. {ICDIM} 2008}, author = {Garc\xeda-Zubia, Javier and L\xf3pez-de-Ipi\xf1a, Diego and Ordu\xf1a, Pablo and Hern\xe1ndez, Unai and Angulo, Ignacio and Irurzun, Jaime}, year = {2008}, keywords = {DBLP, ISI, Remote Laboratories, Survey, WebLab-Deusto}, pages = {899--904} }']

[u' @article{garcia-zubia_remote_2008, title = {Remote {Laboratories} based on {LXI}}, volume = {4}, number = {3}, journal = {International Journal of Online Engineering (iJOE)}, author = {Garcia-Zubia, Javier and Hern\xe1ndez, Unai and Angulo, Ignacio and Ordu\xf1a, Pablo}, year = {2008}, keywords = {DBLP, LXI, VISIR, WebLab-Deusto}, pages = {pp--25} }']

[u' @article{garcia-zubia_towards_2008, title = {Towards a distributed architecture for remote labs}, volume = {4}, journal = {International Journal of Online Engineering (iJOE)}, author = {Garcia-Zubia, Javier and Ordu\xf1a, Pablo and Angulo, Ignacio and Irurzun, Jaime and Hern\xe1ndez, Unai}, year = {2008}, keywords = {DBLP, Remote Laboratories, Software Architecture, WebLab-Deusto, distributed systems}, pages = {11--14} }']

[u' @article{garcia-zubia_approach_2007, title = {An approach for {WebLabs} analysis}, volume = {3}, number = {2}, journal = {International Journal of Online Engineering}, author = {Garc\xeda-Zubia, Javier and L\xf3pez-de-Ipi\xf1a, Diego and Hern\xe1ndez, Unai and Ordu\xf1a, Pablo and Trueba, Ivan}, year = {2007}, keywords = {AJAX, CPLD, FPGA, Remote Laboratories, Software Architecture, WebLab-Deusto, python} }']

[u' @inproceedings{garcia-zubia_requirements_2007, address = {La Habana, Cuba}, title = {Requirements of useful remote labs}, booktitle = {{IFAC} {Symposium} {Cost} {Oriented} {Automation} 8th-{Affordable} {Automation} {Systems} ({COA} 2007)}, author = {Garcia-Zubia, Javier and Trueba, Iv\xe1n and Lopez-de-Ipi\xf1a, Diego and Ordu\xf1a, Pablo and Hernandez, Unai and Saenz, Jose M}, year = {2007}, keywords = {CPLD, FPGA, GPIB, Software Architecture, WebLab-Deusto} }']

[u' @incollection{garcia-zubia_remote_2007, address = {Bilbao, Spain}, title = {Remote laboratories from the software engineering point of view}, isbn = {978-84-9830-662-0}, booktitle = {Advances on remote laboratories and e-learning experiences}, publisher = {Universidad de Deusto}, author = {Garc\xeda-Zub\xeda, Javier and Ordu\xf1a, Pablo and L\xf3pez-de-Ipi\xf1a, Diego and Hern\xe1ndez, Unai and Trueba, Iv\xe1n}, editor = {Gomes, Luis and Garcia-Zubia, Javier}, year = {2007}, keywords = {AJAX, Software Architecture, Web 2.0, WebLab-Deusto, python} }']

[u' @inproceedings{garcia-zubia_weblab-deusto_2007, address = {Florianopolis, Brazil}, title = {{WebLab}-{Deusto}}, isbn = {978-3-89958-277-2}, booktitle = {Interactive {Computer} {Aided} {Blended} {Learning}, {ICBL} 2007}, author = {Garcia-Zubia, Javier and Lopez-de-Ipi\xf1a, Diego and Hernandez, Unai and Ordu\xf1a, Pablo and Trueba, Ivan}, year = {2007}, pages = {13} }']

[u' @inproceedings{garcia-zubia_weblab-gpib_2007, address = {Porto, Portugal}, title = {{WebLab}-{GPIB} at the {University} of {Deusto}}, isbn = {978-3-89958-278-9}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {REV} 2007 {Conference}}, author = {Garc\xeda-Zub\xeda, Javier and L\xf3pez-de-Ipi\xf1a, Diego and Hern\xe1ndez, Unai and Ordu\xf1a, Pablo and Trueba, Iv\xe1n}, year = {2007}, keywords = {GPIB, Remote Laboratories, WebLab-Deusto}, pages = {25--27} }']

[u' @inproceedings{garcia-zubia_evolution_2006, address = {Stockholm, Sweden}, title = {Evolution of the {WebLab} at the {University} of {Deusto}}, booktitle = {{EWME} 2006}, author = {Garc\xeda-Zubia, Javier and L\xf3pez-de-Ipi\xf1a, Diego and Ordu\xf1a, Pablo and Hern\xe1ndez, Unai and Trueba, Iv\xe1n}, year = {2006}, keywords = {AJAX, Mono, Software Architecture, WebLab-Deusto, python} }']

[u' @inproceedings{garcia-zubia_experience_2006, address = {Montreal, Canada}, title = {Experience with {WebLab}-{Deusto}}, volume = {4}, doi = {10.1109/ISIE.2006.296127}, abstract = {The Faculty of Engineering of the University of Deusto has made available a WebLab oriented to microelectronics since 2001. Currently, the field of WebLab design is very active, and several universities are adopting them as a service of quality and distinction for Microelectronics teaching. This paper describes two main aspects of our WebLab, namely WebLab-DEUSTO: a) its software-hardware architecture and b) the academic results obtained by its users}, booktitle = {2006 {IEEE} {International} {Symposium} on {Industrial} {Electronics}}, author = {Garcia-Zubia, Javier and L\xf3pez-de-Ipi\xf1a, Diego and Ordu\xf1a, Pablo and Hern\xe1ndez, Unai}, year = {2006}, keywords = {AJAX, CPLD, FPGA, ISI, Software Architecture, WebLab-Deusto}, pages = {3190--3195} }']

[u' @article{garcia-zubia_questions_2006, title = {Questions and answers for designing useful {WebLabs}}, volume = {2}, number = {3}, journal = {International journal of online engineering}, author = {Garcia-Zubia, Javier and Lopez-de-Ipi\xf1a, Diego and Ordu\xf1a, Pablo and Hern\xe1ndez, Unai and Trueba, Ivan and others}, year = {2006}, keywords = {AJAX, DBLP, Mobile, Software Architecture, WebLab-Deusto} }']

[u' @inproceedings{garcia-zubia_evolucion_2006, address = {Madrid, Spain}, title = {Evoluci\xf3n del {WebLab} de la {Universidad} de {Deusto}}, author = {Garc\xeda-Zubia, Javier and Hern\xe1ndez, Unai and L\xf3pez-de-Ipi\xf1a, Diego and Ordu\xf1a, Pablo and Trueba, Iv\xe1n}, year = {2006}, keywords = {AJAX, CPLD, FPGA, Software Architecture, WebLab-Deusto} }']