Internet of People: Towards sustainable behaviour-change by fostering machine and human collaborationthroug Hybrid Intelligence and Sentient Things


Internet of People (IoP) is a new paradigm that represents the mapping of social individuals and their interactions with everyday devices and smart objects to the Internet. It focuses on data collection, modelling, analysis and ubiquitous intelligence. Our hypothesis is that Smarter Sustainable Environments are only possible if there is a better and smarter collaboration among augmented devices and people, bridging together machine intelligence and human intelligence, where key emerging technologies, namely, Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), are applied from a human-centric and driven standpoint, i.e. following the IoP paradigm. For us, better and smarter collaboration are synonyms of: a) personalised information & services and tailored bidirectional interaction, b) adaptation to the context and c) positive adoption of emerging technologies by including the final user in the decision evaluation (i.e. Human-in-the-loop). The application of this hybrid-intelligence approach in a real case scenario seeks to induce citizens to increase their awareness about sustainability, climate change and, therefore, aid on the abatement of their CO2 emissions through behaviour change interventions based on citizen science. In such a process, data gathering, content curation, computation model training and hypothesis validation are the main ingredients. In essence, the motto of this project is that people should not be treated as mere users of networked technologies and services designed for optimization purposes (e.g. automation for energy efficiency), but their behaviour should become one of the key levers for designing technologies turning them into real “Smart citizens” that participate in the digital sphere beyond being testers, data providers or consumers.