QUANTEK: Tecnologías Cuánticas


The QUANTEK project was born with the aim of developing a knowledge base around quantum technologies as a promoter of a quantum ecosystem in the Basque Country. The project is structured in 4 areas of action that constitute the main strengths of quantum technologies:

  • Computation and quantum simulation: within artificial intelligence and simulators, many of the current solutions and techniques work on the premise of optimizing a set of functions (cost reduction, energy maximization ...), which entails an important computational cost and sometimes intractable from the classical computing approach.
  • Quantum software engineering we must emphasize that the supremacy of quantum computers is not complete and therefore the use of quantum computers is conceived from hybrid solutions where traditional and quantum computers coexist. That is why software engineering will undergo substantial changes from conception to software development, providing hybrid solutions where quantum computers will be used to solve complex problems.
  • Security and quantum communications: another of the relevant aspects in the quantum computing environment is related to security and quantum communications since quantum computers can compromise current cryptographic systems
  • Quantum computing ecosystems: quantum computing requires the study and evolution of a given ecosystem. In this sense, a final research area is proposed in order to delimit the use cases and identify the types of computers / simulators that are most convenient for quantum computing.