Visiontech4Life: Tecnología al servicio de la reducción de los impactos medioambientales en obras civiles mediante visión multiespectral y control telemático


Visiontech4Life is an I+D+i project in collaboration with enterprises and Basque research centers, which pretends to decrease all the environmental impacts that civil works can imply.

For this, the researchers will develop the technology, apply it and validate the results on site, not in laboratories. Through this initiative is intended to respond to the necessity of an industry that needs to reduce environmental side effects, to reduce the derivate costs and improve the level of sustainability for a better competitiveness.

In particular, will be developed real time control systems, with multispectral visions and based on advanced sensors, which facilitate the identification of the environmental impact for the work site itself.

The involved partners in the project are the Fulcrum engineering, the technological research institute DeustoTech, and the Erabi Audiovisual Technology enterprise.

Visiontech4Life is a pioneer project at European level in terms of technology integration, efficiency, sustainability, and real time control over the possibly environmental impacts. This ranges from detection, control and monitoring of the impact to the generation of alarms and reports to facilitate decision-making and appropriate actuation.

One of the key features of the project are the use of drones or unmanned aircrafts to observe and measure the work site more efficiently, with less energy consumption and time.

With Visiontech4Life is expected a considerable drop of measurement and monitoring time, between 40% and 80% faster, depending on the impact, and the response time would be 90% faster. With this methodology the general costs of correction measurements would drop by 40% compared with today's techniques.

VisionTech4Life es un proyecto de I+D+i fruto de la colaboración y cooperación de empresas y centros de investigación vascos, que pretende conocer y mitigar los efectos ambientales que conlleva cualquier obra civil.

Para ello, los participantes del proyecto desarrollarán tecnología, la aplicarán y validarán sus resultados no en laboratorios, sino en las propias obras de construcción civil. A través de esta iniciativa se pretende dar respuesta a las necesidades de un sector que necesita reducir los efectos ambientales, minorando los costes derivados y en consecuencia mejorando los niveles de sostenibilidad para mejorar su competitividad.

En particular, se desarrollarán sistemas de control integrado en tiempo real, a través de visión multiespectral y basados en sensórica avanzada, que permitirán identificar los impactos ambientales generados por la propia obra.