A method for automatic generation of fuzzy membership functions for mobile device’s characteristics based on Google Trends


While creating a framework for adaptive mobile interfaces for m-learning applications we found that in order to ease the use of our framework we needed to present the mobile device characteristics to non-expert users in a easy to understand manner. Using fuzzy sets to represent the characteristics of mobile devices, non-expert developers such as teachers or instructional designers can actively participate in the development or adaptation of the educational tools. To be able to automatically generate the fuzzy membership functions of the sets we needed the data of the mobile device market, regrettably this information is not publicly available. To tackle this problem we have developed a method to estimate the market share of each mobile device based on the popularity metrics recovered from Google Trends and then we use that estimated value as the input to generate the fuzzy set of each characteristic. The proposed method allows us to not only model the state of the market in different periods of time, but also to localize the results to adapt them to the mobile market of specific countries. In this paper we will describe the proposed algorithm and we will discuss the obtained results.