- Publications
- Journal article
- A Novel Software Architecture for the Provision of Context-Aware Semantic Transport Information
A Novel Software Architecture for the Provision of Context-Aware Semantic Transport Information
[u' @article{moreno_novel_2015, title = {A {Novel} {Software} {Architecture} for the {Provision} of {Context}-{Aware} {Semantic} {Transport} {Information}}, volume = {15}, copyright = {http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/}, url = {http://www.mdpi.com/1424-8220/15/6/12299}, doi = {10.3390/s150612299}, abstract = {The effectiveness of Intelligent Transportation Systems depends largely on the ability to integrate information from diverse sources and the suitability of this information for the specific user. This paper describes a new approach for the management and exchange of this information, related to multimodal transportation. A novel software architecture is presented, with particular emphasis on the design of the data model and the enablement of services for information retrieval, thereby obtaining a semantic model for the representation of transport information. The publication of transport data as semantic information is established through the development of a Multimodal Transport Ontology (MTO) and the design of a distributed architecture allowing dynamic integration of transport data. The advantages afforded by the proposed system due to the use of Linked Open Data and a distributed architecture are stated, comparing it with other existing solutions. The adequacy of the information generated in regard to the specific user\u2019s context is also addressed. Finally, a working solution of a semantic trip planner using actual transport data and running on the proposed architecture is presented, as a demonstration and validation of the system.}, language = {en}, number = {6}, urldate = {2016-02-16TZ}, journal = {Sensors}, author = {Moreno, Asier and Perallos, Asier and L\xf3pez-de-Ipi\xf1a, Diego and Onieva, Enrique and Salaberria, Itziar and Masegosa, Antonio D.}, month = may, year = {2015}, note = {00000}, keywords = {Intelligent Transportation Systems, Linked Open Data, Q1, context-aware computing, jcr2.245, multimodal transport information, semantic middleware}, pages = {12299--12322} }']