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- A Real-Time Insulin Injection System
A Real-Time Insulin Injection System
[u' @incollection{otoom_real-time_2013, series = {Lecture {Notes} in {Computer} {Science}}, title = {A {Real}-{Time} {Insulin} {Injection} {System}}, copyright = {\xa92013 Springer International Publishing Switzerland}, isbn = {978-3-319-03091-3 978-3-319-03092-0}, url = {http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-03092-0_18}, abstract = {We develop a prototype for real-time blood sugar control based upon the hypothesis that there is a medical challenge in determining the exact, real-time insulin dose. Our system controls blood sugar by observing the blood sugar level and automatically determining the appropriate insulin dose based on patient\u2019s historical data all in real time. At the heart of our system is an algorithm that determines the appropriate insulin dose. Our algorithm consists of two phases. In the first phase, the algorithm identifies the insulin dose offline using a Markov Process based model. In the other phase, it recursively trains the web hosted Markov model to adapt to different human bodies\u2019 responsiveness.}, number = {8277}, urldate = {2014-01-09}, booktitle = {Ambient {Assisted} {Living} and {Active} {Aging}}, publisher = {Springer International Publishing}, author = {Otoom, Mwaffaq and Alshraideh, Hussam and Almasaeid, Hisham M. and L\xf3pez-de-Ipi\xf1a, Diego and Bravo, Jos\xe9}, editor = {Nugent, Christopher and Coronato, Antonio and Bravo, Jos\xe9}, month = jan, year = {2013}, keywords = {AAL, AI for health, Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Computing, Computer Communication Networks, Diabetes, Information Storage and Retrieval, Information Systems Applications (incl. Internet), Insulin Management, Markov Processes, User Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction, Web Management, software engineering}, pages = {120--127} }']