[u' @inproceedings{almeida_activity_2017, title = {Activity {Recognition} {Approaches} for {Smart} {Cities}: {The} {City4Age} use case}, abstract = {Activity Recognition is an important ingredient that allows the interpretation of elementary data. Understanding which activity is going on allows framing an elementary action (e.g. \u201ca movement\u201d) in a proper context. This paper presents an activity recognition system designed to work in urban scenarios, which impose several restrictions: the unfeasibility of having enough annotated datasets, the heterogeneous sensor infrastructures and the presence of very different individuals. The main idea of our system is to combine knowledge- and datadriven techniques, to build a hybrid and scalable activity recognition system for smart cities.}, booktitle = {Proceeding of the 3rd {International} {Forum} on {Research} and {Technologies} for {Society} and {Industry}}, author = {Almeida, Aitor and Azkune, Gorka}, month = nov, year = {2017}, keywords = {AI for health, Activity Recognition, Ambient Assisted Living, Artificial Intelligence, City4Age, behaviour modelling, elderly people, healthcare, machine learning, smart cities}, } ']