- Publications
- Journal article
- Adding New Features to New and Existing Remote Experiments through their Integration in WebLab-Deusto.
Adding New Features to New and Existing Remote Experiments through their Integration in WebLab-Deusto.
[u' @article{orduna_adding_2011, title = {Adding {New} {Features} to {New} and {Existing} {Remote} {Experiments} through their {Integration} in {WebLab}-{Deusto}.}, volume = {7}, issn = {1861-2121}, number = {S2}, journal = {iJOE}, author = {Ordu\xf1a, Pablo and Irurzun, Jaime and Rodriguez-Gil, Luis and Garc\xeda-Zubia, Javier and Gazzola, Fabricio and L\xf3pez-de-Ipi\xf1a, Diego}, year = {2011}, keywords = {LabVIEW Remote Panels, Remote Laboratories, Software Architecture, Virtual Machines, WebLab-Deusto, distributed systems}, pages = {33--39} }']