- Publications
- Journal article
- Addressing Software Impact in the Design of Remote Laboratories
Addressing Software Impact in the Design of Remote Laboratories
[u' @article{garcia-zubia_addressing_2009, title = {Addressing {Software} {Impact} in the {Design} of {Remote} {Laboratories}}, volume = {56}, issn = {0278-0046}, doi = {10.1109/TIE.2009.2026368}, abstract = {Remote Laboratories or WebLabs constitute a first-order didactic resource in engineering faculties. However, in many cases, they lack a proper software design, both in the client and server side, which degrades their quality and academic usefulness. This paper presents the main characteristics of a Remote Laboratory, analyzes the software technologies to implement the client and server sides in a WebLab, and correlates these technologies with the characteristics to facilitate the selection of a technology to implement a WebLab. The results obtained suggest the adoption of a Service Oriented Laboratory Architecture-based approach for the design of future Remote Laboratories so that client-agnostic Remote Laboratories and Remote Laboratory composition are enabled. The experience with the real Remote Laboratory, WebLab-Deusto, is also presented.}, number = {12}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics}, author = {Garcia-Zubia, J. and Ordu\xf1a, Pablo and L\xf3pez-de-Ipi\xf1a, Diego and Alves, G. R.}, month = dec, year = {2009}, keywords = {JCR4.678, Q1, Web services, WebLab, client-server system, client-server systems, computer aided instruction, computer science education, eLearning, engineering faculty, first-order didactic resource, remote laboratories, remote laboratory design, service oriented laboratory architecture, service-oriented architecture (SOA), software architecture, software design, student experiments}, pages = {4757--4767} }']