- Publications
- Conference paper
- Archimedes remote lab for secondary schools
Archimedes remote lab for secondary schools
[u" @inproceedings{garcia-zubia_archimedes_2015, address = {Azores, Portugal}, title = {Archimedes remote lab for secondary schools}, doi = {10.1109/EXPAT.2015.7463215}, abstract = {This paper presents a remote lab designed for teaching the Archimedes' principle to secondary school students, as well as an online virtual lab on the general domain of buoyancy. The Archimedes remote lab is integrated into WebLab-Deusto. Both labs are promoted for usage in frame of the Go-Lab European project.}, booktitle = {2015 3rd {Experiment} {International} {Conference} (exp.at'15)}, author = {Garc\xeda-Zub\xeda, Javier and Angulo, Ignacio and Mart\xednez-Pieper, Gabriel and L\xf3pez-De-Ipi\xf1a, Diego and Hern\xe1ndez, Unai and Ordu\xf1a, Pablo and Dziabenko, Olga and Rodr\xedguez-Gil, Luis and Riesen, S. A. N. van and Anjewierden, Anjo and Kamp, E. T. and de Jong, Ton}, month = jun, year = {2015}, note = {00000}, keywords = {Archimedes remote lab, Archimedes' principle, Buoyancy, Engineering education, Go-Lab, Remote Laboratories, Secondary Schools, WebLab-Deusto}, pages = {60--64} }"]