- Publications
- Journal article
- Context, intelligence and interactions for personalized systems
Context, intelligence and interactions for personalized systems
[u' @article{chen_context_2018, title = {Context, intelligence and interactions for personalized systems}, volume = {9}, issn = {1868-5145}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s12652-018-0985-y}, doi = {10.1007/s12652-018-0985-y}, language = {en}, number = {5}, urldate = {2019-05-17TZ}, journal = {Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing}, author = {Chen, Liming and Fallmann, Sarah and L\xf3pez-de-Ipi\xf1a, Diego and Pan, Chengsheng and Ning, Huansheng}, month = oct, year = {2018}, keywords = {human computation, human interaction, jcr1.423, q3}, pages = {1557--1559} }']