- Publications
- Conference paper
- DeustoTech Internet at TASS 2015: Sentiment analysis and polarity classification in spanish tweets
DeustoTech Internet at TASS 2015: Sentiment analysis and polarity classification in spanish tweets
[u' @inproceedings{sixto_deustotech_2015, title = {{DeustoTech} {Internet} at {TASS} 2015: {Sentiment} analysis and polarity classification in spanish tweets}, shorttitle = {{DeustoTech} {Internet} at {TASS} 2015}, url = {http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1397/deusto.pdf}, abstract = {This article describes our system presented at the workshop for sentiment analysis TASS 2015. Our system approaches the task 1 of the workshop, which consists on performing an automatic sentiment analysis to determine the global polarity of a set of tweets in Spanish. To do this, our system is based on a model supervised Linear Support Vector Machines combined with some polarity lexicons. The influence of the different linguistic features and the different sizes of n-grams in improving algorithm performance. Also the results obtained, the various tests that have been conducted, and a discussion of the results are presented.}, urldate = {2015-09-22}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {Annual} {Conference} of the {Spanish} {Society} for {Natural} {Language} {Processing} ({SEPLN}) 2015}, author = {Sixto, Juan and Almeida, Aitor and Lopez de Ipina, Diego}, month = oct, year = {2015}, note = {00000}, keywords = {Artificial Intelligence, Data analysis, NLP, Natural language processing, Polarity Classification, Sentiment analysis, Support Vector Machines, Twitter, machine learning, social networks}, pages = {23}, } ']