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- Enhancing OSGi: Semantic Add-ins for Service Oriented Collaborative Environments
Enhancing OSGi: Semantic Add-ins for Service Oriented Collaborative Environments
[u' @incollection{cabezas_enhancing_2009, address = {Berlin}, title = {Enhancing {OSGi}: {Semantic} {Add}-ins for {Service} {Oriented} {Collaborative} {Environments}}, volume = {5597}, isbn = {978-3-642-02867-0}, shorttitle = {Enhancing {OSGi}}, abstract = {Service Oriented Architectures offer an incomparable setting for the management and reuse of services, mixing different factors like software and services. The ability to choose between the services available often gets blurry, because of the difficulty when trying to find the best service that fits better the actual needs, or even because its invocation process gets excessively complex. This work presents a horizontal layer that enhances service capabilities in OSGi by adding semantic information for intelligent and advanced management in SOA-compliant smart architectures, and more specifically in a Multi-Residential Environment.}, language = {English}, booktitle = {Ambient {Assistive} {Health} and {Wellness} {Management} in the {Heart} of the {City}, {Proceeding}}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag Berlin}, author = {Cabezas, Pablo and Barrena, Raul and Legarda, J. and Lopez-de-Ipina, Diego}, editor = {Mokhtari, M. and Khalil, I. and Bauchet, J. and Zhang, D. and Nugent, C.}, year = {2009}, note = {WOS:000270130800037}, keywords = {Multi-Residential Environments, OSGi, Semantic Services, Service Oriented Architectures, residential gateways}, pages = {261--264} }']