- Publications
- Conference paper
- ESIDE-Mendizale. Entorno de Seguridad Informática de la universidad de DEusto: Mobile ENvironment for DIscovery of Zero-Day Attacks through Bayesian LEarning
ESIDE-Mendizale. Entorno de Seguridad Informática de la universidad de DEusto: Mobile ENvironment for DIscovery of Zero-Day Attacks through Bayesian LEarning
[u' @inproceedings{bujan_eside-mendizale._2005, address = {Bilbao, Spain}, title = {{ESIDE}-{Mendizale}. {Entorno} de {Seguridad} {Inform\xe1tica} de la universidad de {DEusto}: {Mobile} {ENvironment} for {DIscovery} of {Zero}-{Day} {Attacks} through {Bayesian} {LEarning}}, booktitle = {Actas de la {II} {Reuni\xf3n} de la red {RETISTIC}}, author = {Buj\xe1n, David and Canivell Castillo, Ver\xf3nica and Gal\xe1n Espiga, Beatriz and Garcia Bringas, Pablo and Gil Larrea, Mar\xeda Jos\xe9, and L\xf3pez-de-Ipi\xf1a, Diego}, year = {2005}, keywords = {seguridad} }']